Chapter 3

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"It's going to be okay" Peter said trying to calm Everly down

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"It's going to be okay" Peter said trying to calm Everly down. They all walked up to the old lady who was checking the tickets.

"May I have your tickets please,? tickets please" she asked.

Peter who was distracted by the soldiers, Susan snatched the tickets out of Peter's hand. "Peter" Susan said as she handed the tickets to the old woman.

"On you go" she said making a small hand gesture. They all walked forward the two youngest started whimpering a little, not liking all the new people. "Everything's going to be all right. It's going to be fine" Peter reassured them as they all got on the train. They all could barely fit as they all tried to wave bye to there mum.

Peter opened a compartment door with two other children in. Peter helped putting everyone's cases in the shelf above them. Peter want to help Edmund who turned away and did it himself. Edmund sat next to the window, Susan and Lucy sat on the other end. Everly sat on peters lap cuddling up to him.

Most people with autism don't like to be touched but Everly doesn't mind as long as she trust's them. Everly isn't non-verbal but struggles to talk sometimes.

They all watched as every child even the two who where in the same compartment as them had left. Soon it was their stop which happens to be the last. Susan held her's and Everly's case  as Peter held his and held Everly's hand. 

As they saw a car, they all quickly ran down the steps, Lucy went to wave but the car drove past them. "The professor knew we were coming" Susan said "perhaps we've been incorrectly labelled" Edmund suggested looking down at there tags.

Then they could here a woman's voice and the steps of a horse. They then saw a woman in a woman in a wagon led by a horse. She stepped in front of them "Mrs Macready" Peter asked "I'm afraid so, is this it the? Haven't you brought anything else?" Mrs Macready said in a bored but stern voice.

"No ma'am, it's just us." Peter told her, "small favours" Mrs Macready said, nodding her head slightly, before gesturing to the wagon.

They all got in shuffling a little to make room. It was silent the rest of the way to the professors house.

Everly flinched every time Mrs Macready wiped the horse on its back. Peter saw this and gently ran his hand up and down her back. When the house came into view they where all speechless. It was huge.

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