Chapter 4

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Once they were all inside Mrs McCready started talking "Professor Kirke it's not accustomed to having children in this house, and as such there are a few rules to follow there will be no shoutin', or running, no improper use of the dumbwaiter"

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Once they were all inside Mrs McCready started talking "Professor Kirke it's not accustomed to having children in this house, and as such there are a few rules to follow there will be no shoutin', or running, no improper use of the dumbwaiter"

Susan went to touch a statue of a face before she could Mrs McCready started shouting, making Peter hold Everly's hand tighter "there will be no touching of the historical artefacts!!, and above all there should be no disturbing of the professor" she told them in a stern voice before casting a apologetic glance down Everly, as before they had come there mother had sent a letter all about Everly. Mrs McCready then told them to follow her.

hours later

Lucy and Everly were in bed, Peter was looking out the window listening to the radio, Everly was laying in a sleeping bag that her mother had sown her, "they feel scratchy" Lucy said.

Everly started sniffling and scratching her arm, Peter noticed and turned off the radio.

Peter and Susan came over to Everly's bed. Susan sat on the end of the bed while Peter sat next to her and pulled her into his chest while grabbing her arm caressing it gently with his thumb.

"what's wrong" Peter said "mummy" she said while looking up at him "I know we miss her too" Peter said "wars don't last forever, we'll be home soon" Susan said in a comforting voice "yeah if home still there" Edmund said making Everly cry cuddling into Peter more.

"look what you did" Peter yelled at him as gently as possible "isn't it time you were in bed" Susan asked "yes mum" Edmund said sarcastically "Ed" Peter exclaimed, before turning to Everly.

"home will still be there, don't worry plus, you saw outside this place is huge, we can do what ever we want here tomorrow is going to be great really."

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