2 ~Summer~ ~Outside~

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[Delanie POV]

"Lets get going, see how far we can get before dark." I grunted, pulling myself up a ledge. 

"You know where you're going?" Kaleb asked me.

"No, I didn't even prepare for this trip- of course I know. You should too, considering you're supposed to be 'delivering' me." I said shortly.

"Smartass..." I heard somewhere behind me.

"Damn right my ass is smart." I retorted, continuing on.

We walked quietly, them not wanting to disturb a zombie, me being deathly afraid we would actually encounter one only a few minutes into our journey outside the wall.

Things started to get hazy and greenish, and Hale told us to put on our masks.

"Why?" I asked, whispering- just in case.

Just because I can handle a gun well doesn't mean I'm not terrified.

"Spores. You take one breath and you're Infected. Be careful." he added on as I nearly tripped over a jagged bit of rubble.

"Oh." I muttered.

We saw the thing, grey, with strange reddish.... coral-like things growing from its face and body.

"Found the source." Hale said almost casually, before walking right past it, and we continued on, finally getting out of the spores.

"The hell was that?" I asked, anxious as I took off my mask.

"That was some poor asshole going into the second phase."

"Phase of what?"

"You mean you don't know?" Jacob asked, raising an eyebrow at me, incredulous.

"I've never even been... outside the Wall. I never heard any stories or anything of what happened before the Cities were built." I got quieter with every word, biting my lip. "I guess that's why you're here." I said, but looked forward, pushing on.

But then I heard a scraping noise.

A noise like someone dragging themselves across the floor, and.. clicking noises.

"Clicker." Jacob whispered quietly, and we moved quickly, not wanting to meet it.

We passed by wherever it was, and heard a sort of screeching noise.

We hurried on, glad we hadn't met any zombies.

"Well, I guess we should take a break here." Jacob said. "At this rate, we'll make it in less than a week."

"If we don't happen to meet any zombies." I muttered, pulling out my water bottle and taking a sip, before shoving it back into my bag.

"We should get going again, we can make it to the edge of the city by nightfall."Kaleb said, standing up again.

"Then lets move." Hale said, and we pushed on.


We had just gotten through a building full of zombies, and we stood for a moment, catching our breaths.

It began to rain.

"Ah, fuck." I swore, backing under the shade of a piece of concrete.

Not safe, I know, but dry.

"Well, you know where we go next." Kaleb gestured, and I sighed. 

"We head over there, I'm pretty sure. Cant see a goddamn thing through this." I took a small breath and stepped out, immediately soaked.

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