0. Power Flows Through You

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Part One

The Little Girl Who Dreamed

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Candles flickered as Queen Yvaine strutted down the main hall. Each step of her long legs was measured, causing her long brunette hair to flow behind her. Her dress' skirts grazed the marble floor below her feet.

She entered a ballroom, and the light of the chandelier reflected off the diamond crown atop her head as she passed by. Her steps did not falter. She was too focused on getting to her destination to allow them to.

"Your Majesty." An advisor, Thia, had called from her right side.

"Yes?" The queen barely glanced at the girl as they neared two giant doors.

"Alaric and his armies have breached the city gates. It's a bloodbath down there, truly." Thia's chin dipped as she shook her head before continuing. "It's only a matter of time before they reach the castle walls, and we believe he has some witches and warlocks among his ranks."

Queen Yvaine's sighed deeply. "Are there any Hemlockes among his men?"

"Several. We believe Zagreus of House Barrere serves as a General."

The queen stiffened, only several inches away from the next doors. If her and Zagreus's arranged marriage had gone through successfully, perhaps she would not be in this predicament.

For the two great Hemlocke houses would have been united if Zagreus and her marriage had succeeded. Her family and his. A union that would have guaranteed that their heirs be among the most powerful leaders in the world.

However, Yvaine had found her mate in Ludis Volkov of Khoros. The Prince of a lycan family of the continent, and together they had the most beautiful daughter.

And not to mention Zagreus was a beautiful but psychotic warlock. And as a Hemlocke, death was his servant. Their kind was more powerful than any other type of witches and warlocks. And instead of using his magic for good, he used it for wicked deeds. He would stop at nothing to claim what he wanted.

"Wait, outside. I need to see her." The queen's hand hovered above the door handle to her daughter's room. "I just need to tell her goodnight." Her advisors nodded their heads in understanding before dispersing into different directions. A war was brewing, and it would only be hours before Alaric's forces breached the castle walls.

"Rebel." Yvaine's face softened at the sight of her three-year-old daughter, who was currently looking up at the bright stars in the night sky.

"Mommy." Rebel's face instantly brightened at her mother's appearance once she turned around and saw her standing in the doorway. "Why are you here so late?" She questioned as she gripped onto her mother's arms.

"I just wanted to visit you, my Red." The queen scooped up her daughter, smiling as she laid a hand on Rebel's back. "How are you, my sweet baby girl?" She pecked her daughter on her cheek.

"I'm good, mommy. What about you and papa?" Rebel questioned, looking around for her father.

All the stories Rebel had heard told her that she had inherited her mother's eye-catching diamond eyes while she inherited her father's red hair.

"Yvaine, Rebel. There you two are." The king smiled, taking his place beside his wife. "How you, little one?" The usually stern king's sea-green eyes twinkled with glee, instantly softening at the sight of his daughter in his wife's arms.

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