Sleep Paralysis | Albedo x reader fluff/angst

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(reader owns a blue parakeet named Snow <3)

Update 01/23/2022: The bird is a reference to my bird that now is no longer home. I was forced to give her up, she was like a child to me, she kept looking at me as she was leaving :(

01:08 am

   You awake to hear what sounds like someone in front of you, rummaging through your desk next to your bed. You try to get up, you need to get up, but it was no use. You tried and tried, but you couldn't move. It was like something was holding you down, or your body was locked in place.

   This lasted for a good 10 minutes before finally, you could wiggle even the slightest, you were determined to get up. When you finally did, nothing was there, not a trace of someone or something there. Everything was just as you left it.

12:15 pm

   You awake from a nap to what sounded like the bag of bird food had fallen. Before you decided to get up, you thought to yourself 'wouldn't it be weird if it happened again?' (And it did, congrats, you've played yourself, good luck getting up now.) You struggled to get out of bed, took about 10 minutes to struggle your way out of bed to find nothing had fallen, the bag of bird food was on your night stand, completely fine.

   It was weird to have happen again, or have happened in general, you didn't understand what was happening to you.

01:25 pm

   You had invited Albedo to come over around 01:00 pm today, he hadn't shown up, you were getting tired of waiting.

01:40 pm

   You heard a knock on your door as you tiredly got up from your couch to the front door banket wrapped around you, and there he was, apologizing profusely, he got caught up in an experiment. You accepted his apology, glad he was finally here.

   "You look tired, are you alright?" Albedo asked with a concerned look in his eye as he got a bit closer and held your cheek in your palm, gently brushing it with his thumb. "I'm alright, I just had a weird night is all." You could hear how tired you were. "Ah, you should get some rest, we could reschedule another time." He gently let go of your cheek. You tiredly persuaded him to stay, to which he hesitantly complied.

05:09 pm

   You had both gotten tired, you two were chatting and overall having a good time spending time together. You noticed how exhausted he looked, and offered to let him stay the night, he didn't really have a choice he could pass out right there.  You got him situated in the guest bedroom as you went back to your room and went to bed.

04:05 am

   You awoke to see a figure dart towards your bird's cage. You loved that bird as if she were your child.

   You needed to get up, but you were once again glued to the bed, struggling to move. You swore it was right there watching you struggle.

   After some time, you finally jolted up to once again find no one, you were shaking,  unable to cope with what had just happened. It was the third time it had happened, and you decided you had enough, you were terrified to stay in there alone.

   You grabbed your blanket, wrapping it around you as you leave your room. You were tired and scared as you trudged your way to the guest room.

   You quietly opened the door. "Albedo?.." You whispered softly, waking him up slightly. "Hm?.." He lazily opened his eyes slightly, jolting up at the sight of you scared, nothing had ever scared you that bad, nothing really scared you at all.

   "Are you alright? You're shaking." He questioned as he got out of bed with that concerned look in his eyes once again. "I-I'm fine, it's just s-something happened, and now I'm scared to s-stay alone." You blurted out, stuttering at your own embarrassment, it was embarrassing to say out loud, what if he thought differently of you? "What happened?" He sighed into a hug, you felt safer in his arms.

   You knew you had to tell him what had been happening now that you've said that, there was no way to get around that.

   "W-Well the past two nights I keep waking up to hearing something fall, o-or seeing some sort of figure, b-but when I try to move, I just can't, i-it's like something's restraining me. It takes me a while to finally get up, b-but when I finally do the figure is gone, or nothing has a-actually fallen. I-I just don't understand what's happening.." Your embarrassment and shakiness had gotten the better of you, thoughts rushing through your head, wondering if it wasn't really a big deal.

   "That's called sleep paralysis, you can stay with me if you'd like, it's must've been scary for you." He gently pat your head, slightly shocked. You took his offer as you lay down next to him. "If this ever happens again, I don't mind if you come to me about it." He offered tiredly as he pulled you in to cuddle, falling asleep.

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