PRIDE SPECIAL | Bennett x male! reader

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Before I start, yes this is a Gay mlm fanfic and the pronouns used for the reader in this is he/him.


Now the fanfic shall begin.

June had barely sprung in, it was dark out, yet here you were, awake. You got up out of bed, seeing no point in trying to sleep now as you didn't get any no matter how much you had tried.

You met a rather unskilled adventurer a couple months before, and quickly became inseparable. He wasn't like any of the other adventurers you'd run into in the past, he was just different. He didn't seem to know what he was doing at all, and that's what made him stand out to you. You couldn't stop thinking about him.

A knock at your door finally snapped you out of your thoughts. It's late. Who would be knocking this late? You made your way out of your room and to the front door, grabbing your sword in case it may be a treasure hoarder. You slowly opened the door to see Amber at your door instead.

"Amber? It's late why are you here is everything ok?" You were concerned, but she just gave you a bright, goofy smile. "I got lost and it's kinda late, so I was wondering if I could stay the night?" You immediately pulled her inside. "Of course you can stay, you can stay as long as you'd like."

You didn't know what you were feeling towards Bennett. You didn't understand why he made you feel this way, but it wasn't a bad feeling. You wanted to pull him close, wrap your arms around him and just fall asleep. You also wanted to come along and help him on his adventures. Anything to leave that house. Although you were too embarrassed to admit it or act on it.

"Are you ok?" He had noticed your puzzled look as you were thinking about how you were feeling. "I'm fine, just thinking." You sighed. "About?" She appeared to be genuinely curious. "Nothing really, just unsure how I feel about someone, I've never felt this way before so I'm having trouble understanding it." You were embarrassed to finally say it out loud. "Is it a bad feeling? I can try to help." She smiled. "No, I don't think so. I just can't stop thinking about them, every little thing they do makes me want to stop and stare, I don't understand why they'd make me feel this way." You blushed, embarrassed at what just spilled out of your mouth.

She gave you a look. A look that has curiosity and mischief written all over it. "Sounds like love to me!!~" She teased. You froze. It all clicked. You loved Bennett. "Sooo, who's the lucky girl?" She seemed more playful than ever. "What girl?" She froze at your response, processing what you just said. "Ohhh" she seems to have realized. You were internally panicking at this point. "Then who is he?" She smirked mischievously. "...Bennett." You hesitated.

   "Bennett?" Amber questioned. "Oh! The hot-blooded guy from the Adventurers' Guild?" She realized. "Yeah.." Your voice softened from embarrassment. "The guest room is down the hall to the right." You quickly changed the subject. "Right, thank you again!" She started down the hall to the guest room as you went back to your room to go to sleep.

A few days later you realized, Bennett hasn't returned from his adventure, he left the week before. You knew adventures last a while, but it didn't stop you from worrying about him.

You picked up your sword and headed out. You at least wanted to make sure he was ok. He never told you where he was headed, so you decide to head towards Wolvendom first. Upon entering you spot Razor collecting wolf hooks. "Hey Razor," You greeted him. "Have you seen Bennett?" You were visibly anxious at this point, you were unsure if he was ok. "Razor saw Bennett with 'Red Bunny' girl by water." You had forgotten about his way of speech, you were glad Lisa's helping him though. "Which one? The small one or the other small one?" You questioned. "The other small one" He responded.

'Oh no.' You thought to yourself. You told Amber how you felt about him, and she's with him right now. Has she said anything? A million questions rushed through your head. "Thank you Razor, I'll be sure to come by with some potatoes for you later as a thank you." You pat his head before going on your way.

You spot Bennett by himself, Amber seemed to have left sometime before your arrival. "Bennett!" You called, his head spun around to see you. "Oh, hey! Didn't expect to see you here." He smiled at you as your heart melted. "Did um... Did Amber say anything to you about me?" You asked, embarrassed. "No, why do you ask?" He looked puzzled. "Good." You sighed. "I told her about something I wasn't ready to talk about yet and I was just worried that she might've said something." You relaxed slightly.

"How did you know I was as here?" He questioned. "Razor told me. It's been a week since you'd gone out for an adventure and I guess I just got worried." You admitted embarrassedly. "Aww" He beamed, your cheeks getting redder by the second. He pulled you into a hug, and that was it, your face burning as you froze in place.

   "The other person I was with besides Amber kinda ditched me and took the tent." He chuckled. "You can stay with me if you'd like, I don't mind." You offered, slightly embarrassed. "Really?" His excitement just made your heart flutter even more. "Of course, any time." You smiled softly.

   Once you too had arrived, you pointed him to the guest room and you started towards your room. But before you could enter, Bennett lightly gripped your wrist.

   "Hey.. um, about what you were worried about Amber talking about." You gulped at his words, becoming nervous. "The truth is... she did tell me, I just didn't you to freak out." Your heart began to race. She told him. You were regretting even speaking at that point, unsure what to do. "...I understand if you don't feel the same way, I'll get over it." Lies. Your words were nothing but hollow. You knew you wouldn't, but you didn't want to make him feel bad.

   "No, no, I just... I like you too." He looked away, embarrassed. Your face flushed, you felt a wave of relief as you pulled him into a hug. "...Can I stay with you?" He spoke into your chest. "Yeah, of course." You got into bed, as he followed, falling asleep.

Happy Pride month!! :D

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