Sleep paralysis | Chongyun x reader version angst/crack

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(reader owns a blue parakeet named Snow <3)

Update 01/23/2022: The bird is a reference to my bird that now is no longer home. I was forced to give her up, she was like a child to me, she kept looking at me as she was leaving :(

01:08 am

You awake to hear what sounds like someone in front of you, rummaging through your desk next to your bed. You try to get up, you need to get up, but it was no use. You tried and tried, but you couldn't move. It was like something was holding you down, or your body was locked in place.

This lasted for a good 10 minutes before finally, you could wiggle even the slightest, you were determined to get up. When you finally did, nothing was there, not a trace of someone or something there. Everything was just as you left it.

12:15 pm

You awake from a nap to what sounded like the bag of bird food had fallen. Before you decided to get up, you thought to yourself 'wouldn't it be weird if it happened again?' (And it did, congrats, you've played yourself, good luck getting up now.) You struggled to get out of bed, took about 10 minutes to struggle your way out of bed to find nothing had fallen, the bag of bird food was on your night stand, completely fine.

It was weird to have happen again, or have happened in general, you didn't understand what was happening to you, but you knew what it was.

01:00 pm

   Chongyun had arrived on time as requested, you two had planned to hangout that afternoon. You lazily made your way to the front door, blanket wrapped around you. "Ah- Hey, you wanted to hangout? I found a-" He had a sudden look of slight shock. "Are you ok?? You look like you haven't slept." He gently  pulled you into a hug. "Yeah.. I'm ok, just had a weird night is all." You dug your face in his chest. "It's ok if you need rest, we can hangout some other time." He suggested. "No need, maybe we should just stay here and hangout? I might pass out halfway there." You giggled slightly. "Alright, just let me know if you get tired." He gently pat your back. "Alright."

05:09 pm

   You had fallen asleep after hours of talking to each other, your head in his lap. He didn't want to wake you, so he just stayed still, eventually falling asleep too.

04:05 am

   You awoke to see a figure dart towards your bird's cage. You loved that bird as if she were your child.

   You needed to get up, but you were once again glued to the bed, struggling to move. You swore it was right there watching you struggle.

   After some time, you finally jolted up to once again find no one, you were shaking,  unable to cope with what had just happened. "Y/N?.." Chongyun had awoke, tiredly turning his head to see what was going on, with a sudden shocked expression as he had before, pulling you into a hug as you started to breakdown, you couldn't take it anymore. It had been three times now that you've had sleep paralysis.

   "Why is this happening?" You sobbed into his shoulder. "Shh.. shh.. what happened?" He gently rubbed your back. "I.." you sobbed, knowing you'd have to tell him in this moment no matter the cost, no going around it.

   "I-I've been waking up a lot being unable to move.." you sobbed. "A-And seeing and hearing things happen around" you struggled to speak. "It's usually seeing some sort of figure.." you dug your face into the crook of his neck. "A.. figure?"

Oh no


"Chongyun no-"


"Chongyun it's just sleep paralysis-"



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