Christmas party | Venti x Immortal! Insomniac! Reader

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Ayo an LGBT Christmas special :D

Reader lives in Springvale

Reader is a Cryo

Reader is also 2000+ years old


Also Mondstat Christmas party :D

   You get up and out of the house, boxes of presents for the people of Mondstat in your hands, freezing out there, forgetting you had chosen to wear a skirt bc gender roles can leave your sight.

   You made it into Mondstat's gates, placing the presents down under the community Christmas tree. It snowed, and not just in Dragonspine. You hear a familiar toon from on top the Barbatos statue. You look up to see a familiar figure you had loved playing the lyre within the palms of his own statue, Venti as he liked to be called.

You heard a familiar voice as they gently wrapped around your leg in a hug. You look down to see Klee and Joel excited to see you. "Y/N! Y/N! Will you help us build a snowman? Please????" Klee and Joel looked up eagerly at you as you reluctantly agreed. The three of you made your way out of the way of the path in a safe area they can build snowmen and not be in the way.

You kept a close eye on them and the surroundings to ensure their safety. You noticed a familiar figures walking toward you and the children, it was Jean and Eula. "What is it that you need?" You were just as tired and used to doing other people's bidding as Traveller was. "We don't need anything Y/N, why is it that you ask?" Eula questioned you. "It's nothing really." You lied, not wanting to explain anything. "I'll watch over Klee, you two go have fun." Jean took over for you. "Alright Jean, care to join me for some ice skating Y/N?" You couldn't refuse, though you were tired.

   Once you arrived at the ice skating rink with Eula, you felt eyes practically glued to you both. This made you uncomfortable, and it was visible at this point. You were unsure about it now, but you had already said yes, so you continued on with Eula.

   Once you both had ice skates on, she helped you onto the ice rink, skating along side you, practically gliding. You were focused on not falling, the feeling of being watched was really getting to you, stressing you out. Eula took notice to this. "Hey, take it easy ok?" She gently assured you. You tried your hardest to ignore the feeling, slowly getting easier to skate along the ice, it felt more like floating.

   You and Eula practically put on a show for the on lookers, Eula had managed to mix in dancing as you complied, having fun, yet you were so tired. Once the two of you had finished and have switched back to your normal shoes, people had surrounded the two of you, but it wasn't about the ice skating. They wanted you to fulfill their requests. At this point you have had enough, but you couldn't form the words to tell them off. Eula had already left before the crowd had formed, you were stuck.

   A familiar face made his way through the crowd to you, pulling you away. It was Venti. "Woah woah calm down now, can't you see they're tired?" Venti for the first time in a long time looked slightly angry. It was actually kind of scary. But nonetheless, you were greatful for the possibility of having time with him.

   He gently pulled you along as it was almost time for everyone to open their gifts. He giggled as he saw the look on your face. Your face must've been so red, Amber shot you a mischievous look as you two walked by, furthermore embarrassing you. As you two made it there, trying your hardest to keep your eyes open, the feeling of security and peace with Venti was enough for you to almost rest, but you wanted to spend time with him and not sleep through it.

There was a table of free food and drinks Diluc had set up, Kaeya and Rosaria were already blacked out. Everyone was chatting, having a good time. At this point, Venti must've been worried about how tired you look, you were abnormally clingy today, trying to keep your eyes open.

"Hey Y/N? When's the last time you got any sleep?" Sleep? You had forgotten how to long ago, how long has it been? You snapped back to reality to answer him, noticing his worried expression. "I.." You paused, trying to think. "Y/N.. You should rest." He was nagging you to get some rest. "No, I can't now, I have to--" you paused yet again. "Y/N the 'commissions' you've been putting on yourself are other people just nagging you to either do something they could simply do themselves or end up putting you in a dangerous situation." He gently placed his hand on your shoulder. "I don't want to see you hurt anymore." You were slightly shocked of how caring he was. Yet your heart was racing at the thought, you subconsciously agreed to try after the party.

It was time to open to open gifts. You had made everyone a homemade gift, and they were all well made, like professional level made. Each present being opened one by one, until there were none left. And as you had expected, you had none to open. They had forgotten about you, you do so much for them and yet they forgot you.

   You got up to leave, someone grabbing your arm from behind to stop you. You turn to see Venti with his arm behind his back. "What is it.." You were exhausted and slightly hurt, and he could tell. "Y/N.. You didn't answer my question earlier, when was the last time you slept?" He had an almost stern voice as he questioned you. "I'm not exactly sure.." You admitted honestly. "But if I had to guess, maybe before Khaenri'ah was destroyed.." He looked at you with concern in his eyes as you spoke. "Y/N.. that's not healthy." He put his free hand on your cheek. "You're one to talk about being 'healthy'" you said slyly. "I know I know, but seriously, you need to take care of yourself." He brushed your cheek with his thumb gently, your face kept getting more and more red the more he spoke. "Only if you take care of yourself too." You blurted out. "Alright alright, only for you." He sighed.

   "Oh and Y/N," he finally brought his arm from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of your favorite flowers."Got you something <3" he giggled happily as you freaked out internally. "I— uh— thank you—" you were forgetting how to speak, trying to mentally calm down. "You really didn't have to Venti, but thank you, you're so sweet." You held the bouquet. "I was also wondering if you were maybe free tomorrow to go out somewhere?" You were shocked by his words, but you weren't complaining. "Of course— I would love to." Failing to keep your composure, you hugged him tightly, him gently kissing your forehead. "Let's go home Love." The nickname lit your heart more aflame than it was before.

   As you two made it inside your exhaustion getting to you as you laid down, Venti quickly joining you into a cuddle, slowly drifting off to sleep.

That was fun to write—

1250 words

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