Realization | Venti x reader

214 0 0

Reader is 2000+ years old

Reader is a Cryo

This is a slight vent

-panic attack
-mentions of previous relationships
-visual stress
-intrusive thoughts



Taking a stroll through Mondstat, you let your thoughts overrun your mind. Darker thoughts creeping up on you. Your mind brought you back to your past relationships. They all ended previously because of almost all the same reasons, you knew in your heart they didn't love you for real. Yet you couldn't move on, you fell deeply in love and still tangled in the mess trying to figure out where you went wrong.

When you idealized version of yourself the relationships lasted longer, but they soon got bored of you. When you try being yourself they leave because you're too much. What more do they want?? You just wanted to be loved, but they always leave, and the returned feelings are never real.

This really crushed your happy, go-lucky vibe you gave off. You try to be yourself and be happy in the hopes someone will love you but it never comes truthfully. You were tired and afraid to be alone. You wanted love. To feel loved.

These thoughts quickly affected your breathing as it feels as if it gets harder to. Your eyes pricking with tears, you desperately look for somewhere you think you won't get bothered, or bother anyone with your crying. No one really came to the tree in Windrise by the statue of the seven anymore so you assumed it was the best option.

Setting yourself down behind the tree, unable to hold back your tears, you sob into your knees, wondering if you will ever be loved by someone for real.

You heard faint walking. In fear of getting caught having a panic attack, seeing as you couldn't hold back your crying, you tried to muffle your sobs.

Trying to hide it was no use, the walking soon turned into running as they rushed behind the tree to see what was going on. It was the best bard in all of Mondstat, you'd had a painful crush on him for a while, Venti the bard. You knew his secret through having had known him for over 1500 years.

He rushed to you, kneeling down, gently rubbing your back. "Hey, what's wrong?" His attempts and effort to calm you were too much for you. "You shouldn't see me like this.." you mumbled, avoid eye contact. "Y/N..." he spoke softly in a calming manner as he sat down next to you, pulling out his lyre, playing a tune in hopes to calm you.

You slowly calmed down enough to listen in, feeling more and more safe as you get tired. You lean your head on his shoulder, slowly falling asleep. Maybe.. just maybe this is it. This is love.

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