Chapter 19 - Meatlovers with Extra Sausage

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"Guys, please don't be viciously picky with Ryan when he get here," Will begged his best friends as they set up for their Friday night sleepover in his lounge room.

"Calm down, Will. What do you think we'll do, tie him to a chair and torture him?" Emmie said, rolling her eyes.

"With how much Liv loves Ryan, I wouldn't be surprised if we caught her doing that to him in the middle of the night," Kimi chimed in, laying the sarcasm on thick on the word 'loves' as she crashed on a beanbag chair.

"I won't, I promise," Liv added, walking into the room from the kitchen, crossing her heart with her pointer finger.

"Where's your other hand?" Will asked. Liv lifted it up with an innocent smile to show her fingers crossed. "Liv, seriously, please don't torture him." In the almost two and a half months they had been dating, Will had tried hard to keep his friends and boyfriend separate, mainly because his friends could be intense and he didn't want Ryan to be scared off. His boyfriend assured him that he would be fine but Will wasn't so sure.

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever," was Liv's only reply as she collapsed onto the other bean bag, munching on the chips she'd brought in from the kitchen. Will stared at her, trying to decipher whether she was actually going to lay off Ryan tonight or not. He hoped she would but sadly, he knew she wouldn't.

"Hey, uh, Kimi, can you come in here?" Cash piped up from the kitchen.

"Why?" Kimi whined, stomping her feet on the armrest of the couch like a child throwing a tantrum. "I'm comfy!"

"Just come in here!" Cash repeated urgently. The four in the lounge look at each other in confusion, unsure why she sounded like that. Kimi sighed, before pulling herself up and trudged into the kitchen.

"What is it?" she asked, walking in to find a nervous Cash intently looking at her phone.

"Umm, so, Oliver and Stacey may have just changed their relationship status of Facebook to 'in a relationship'..." Cash explained, showing the post to Kimi.

Kimi gasped, grabbing the phone off the blonde. "No fucking way, Stolly is real?!"

"That is such a bad relationship name, don't call them that!" Cash groaned, grabbing her phone back.

"Shut up, I came up with it, don't diss my work, thank you very much," Kimi countered, grabbing the phone again. Cash reached for her phone but Kimi slapped it away.

"Why did you come up with Stolly? It's crap," Cash scowled. "Why are you even the one coming up with it anyway?"

"Bitch please, I run the gossip mill at our school. It's pretty much like, my job to do this shiz. I don't know how I can fit school work around it all," Kimi sighed, handing Cash back her phone. "Should we tell Will about this though?"

"That's why I asked you in here. I think we should keep hush about it, at least until tomorrow," Cash suggested. Kimi nodded in agreement. "Besides, tonight is about us bonded with his boyfriend," the blonde added, not very excited about spending the night with Ryan. But Will was dating him so she had to make the effort.

"You're right, talking about Oliver wouldn't be a good idea tonight, especially with all the trouble he's been causing for them," Kimi agreed. Truthfully, Kimi and Emmie were the only ones who liked Ryan more than Oliver. Kimi herself had always gotten a bad vibe off the blonde guy, so she was happy when Ryan came along. She didn't get why Cash and Liv had such a problem with him. Or why they liked Oliver so much. "C'mon, let's get back out there," Kimi said, picking up the bowl of caramel popcorn Cash had been preparing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Seriously, be nice," Will warned to the girls standing behind him before turning to open the door for his boyfriend.

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