[studies pt. 2]

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You were studying non stop since the start if the week, you were exhausted.

Sanemi walked past your dorm room and saw you studying, he frowned. He haven't seen you all day and you were just in your room studying instead of seeing him? He really missed you.

He walked in, "Dear~ I missed you, I think you should rest." He said as he sat beside you and lean on your shoulder.

"Not now okay?" You replied with a yawn.

"You're tired so I think you should rest..." he insisted with a frown.

"Yes, I know, but in 1 more hour then I'll rest." You said not taking your eyes of the paper.

He grumbled then he came up with an idea.

He closed the door and told you to stand up, which you did reluctantly.

The he grabbed you hands and pinned you against the wall which made you gasp and blush bright red. He placed his knee in between your legs and smirked at your reaction.

"Rest, or I'll give you a real reason to be tired." He said in a low voice.

You quickly nod still burning red.

"Good." He said as he let you go with a grin.


He was helping on set and saw that you weren't  there so he asked Ari.

"Hey, do you know where y/n is?..." he asked looking around.

"Oh, she needed to study and I gave her a day off, " Ari replied with a smile, "She's probably in her room right now."

Rengoku nodded and thanked her.

He walked over to your room and saw you serious in your work, he smiled and sat down next to you, "My flower, what are you studying?" He asked with a grin.

"Some stuff I guess..." you mumbled scribbling furiously on the paper.

"But you haven't eat breakfast yet, can I at least bring you to the cafe and treat you?" He asked with a pout.

"Not now-" you tried saying but you felt him tickle you which causes you to burst out laughing.

"Accept my invitation!" Rengoku demanded with a laugh as he continued to tickle you.

"O-okay! Fine! Stop!" You replied with a smile while trying to push him away.

He backed up with a cheeky smile, "Good! Get dressed." He said folding his arms because if his victory.


Usually it was him doing work or studying late since he was a workaholic. So it was you who would lecture him and tell him to take a break.
(He loves your angry face and he usually works himself to see your angry face because he finds it cute.😏)

However, after awhile he haven't seen you when he was working, worried, he head over to your dorm and saw you working.

Judging by your state, it looks like you've been working for hours on end.

"Y/n, rest." He demanded.

"No, I'm busy, please leave me alone." You said still working out a sum.

However, he didn't give up, he grabbed your pen stopping your work. "Hey! Give that back!" You said while trying to get it back to no avail.

He shook his head. Then he threw the pen aside and open his arms out, which made him look like he wanted a hug.

You sighed in defeat with a little smile on your face, the you got up and hugged him as he rubbed your back gently.

"I Love you." Obanai said with a small smile happy that he got your affection.

"Love you too." You said with a tired chuckle.


You were studying non-stop because of exams, Zenitsu, being the clingy boy he was. Wanted your attention.

Soon he realised it was harder than he originally thought, so he decided to distract you a little.

He went and got put some makeup on himself and he looked like a white pale ghost with bright red cheeks, dark eye bags and huge brows. He wore a cheap maid outfit too.

He walked to your room and called your name.

"Y/n! Look at me!" He said with a proud smile.

You looked at him and immediately your hand flew to your mouth. You started to laugh, "OH MY GOD- WHAT HAPPENED?" You asked as you fell to your knees laughing at his make-up.

"I know, it's beautiful isn't it?" Zenitsu said as he struck a pose which made you burst out laughing even harder.

"Zenitsu? Is that you?" You heard Ari ask down the hallway, "OH MY GOODNESS- " She exclaimed with a giggle, "WAIT- STAY THERE LET ME TAKE A PHOTO!" She said running over to him with her phone.

He tried to hide his face but to no avail which made your stomach hurt from laughing.

Soon everyone heard the laughing. They came over and burst out laughing at his make-up.

You dried your tears and thanked Zenitsu for the laugh. He really was a bright sunshine.


"Baeeeeeee! Please stop studying!~ I'm bored..." Inosuke said lying on your bed.

You sighed, "Sorry Inosuke, I need to do this because my exams are coming!" You said focusing on the question.

He sighed, "You need breaks to! You know what, c'mon, I'm going to take you ice skating for fun." He declared.

You looked at him utterly confusing, "I'm sorry? What? Inosuke not now!-" You tried protesting but got dragged away into his car.

"I won't take no for an answer! You know how stubborn I am." He said with a grin.

You shook your head and sighed, "Fine, but tomorrow I need to study okay?" You said crossing your arms.

Secretly you enjoyed this side of him, even though he can be irresponsible at times but that's what you love about your lively boyfriend.


You were having a lot of trouble with certain topics and she knew this, so she came over, got her laptop and helped you as much as she could.

Slowly but surely, you got the hang of the method which made you happier than ever.

Afterwards she treated you to your favourite food and brought you on a shopping spree as a celebration for your achievement. 

(Sorry if it's not much, I ran out of ideas😭)






HELLO MY READER!!❤ HOW WAS YOUR DAY?💖💖 Thankiew for reading this book and I hope your enjoying it so far!❤

If you have any requests please feel free to share it with me!<33 that's all :)) thankiew sm for the support😭✨

Have an amazing day, stay safe and REST WELL!!💖❤

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