[Jealously] Last part❤

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Sanemi was actually really annoyed at the fact that you were paying more attention to your phone than him.

Another thing is that you kept on talking to him about the cute fluff moments in the book.

So one day he had enough. You wanted to show him another cute fluff moment but then he ignored you and walk away in anger.

You stood there, confused.

You ran after him and pulled his sleeve, "Hey you okay?? What's wrong?" You asked concerned.

He then clenched his fists, then turned to you and pinned you against the wall.


He lifted one eyebrow, "You know damn well what I'm doing y/n. YOU'RE going to regret making me jealous."


He was actually upset for a while, and he opened up to you about his feelings.

"Y/n... if you want to read these kinds of books, can you not tell me about it or show me? Its making me upset and jealous." He said rubbing the back if his neck.

You looked at him and nodded with a smile, "Awee okay Rengoku, don't be jealous okay? I'm yours and you're mine, nothing's going to change that." You assured him.

He smiled then hugged you as you hugged him back.


You were reading a lot of fanfics recently and he was getting self conscious of himself.

If you were reading about other guys, are you losing interest in him?

So, he started being being a bit more clingy and followed you around while pulling your sleeves.

When you realised why he was acting like this, you felt guilty for making him feel like that so you spent the day with him and always assured him that he'll always be the one for you.


While you were reading, he laid on your lap and waited for you to finish.

However, you were smiling when you were reading and he felt slightly jealous. He was the only one supposed to make you smile like that.

So, he said, "Y/n, can you come closer?"

You leaned down and to your surprise, he kissed you.

You chuckled, "What was that for?" You asked.

He that looked away, "Attention. Your phone is not worthy of your attention. Only I am."

You laughed and nodded while kissing his forehead, "Yes. Only you Inosuke."


"Honey~" She called for you while peeking through the room.

However, you were to engrossed in your fanfic to notice.

Then, she came to you, took your phone and looked at you.

You tried getting it back but to no avail.

"Dear, please give me back my phone!..." you begged.

She shook her head with a smile, "No. You've been on your phone for to long, spend the day with me and you'll get it back." She said.

You sighed with a smile, "Alright, alright you win. Let's go on a date?" You asked.

She nodded, "That's more like it."


She was upset that you weren't really paying attention to her.

So she showed up at your dorm with several gifts.

You opened your door and was surprised, "Kanao? What's all this love?" You asked.

She looked down shyly, "Well... uh..." she said while looking at your phone.

You furrowed your brows, the the realisation hit you.

"Oh Kanao... you wanted my attention? Were you jealous of my phone?" You asked.

She nodded slightly and you felt so bad so you hugged her assuring her that she didn't need to give you anything for your attention and just ask.

You gave her a kiss and looked at her lovingly, "You are the only one in my heart okay?"

She nodded with a sweet smile feeling relieved.






Uhm yea, I have decided that this is going to be my last chapter of this oneshots book :*)

I decided to stop this one because I wasn't updating regularly and that I have started a new book of my own! Outcasted legends :)) if you wanna check it out you can!💖 I'll be grateful

thank you so much for the support on this small book!❤
I have gotten a feeling of what it's like to write one now and I'll learn from my mistakes that I've made from this book.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this small fun adventure book!

I'll see how it does and if there is more requests on bringing this book back I'll think about it but I doubt it HAHA❤

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