[seperated pt.2]

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"Are you serious? Why can't I spend the holiday with you?" He asked clearly upset.

You sighed as you hung up the phone with your mom. You looked at him.

"For the millionth time Sanemi, my mom won't allow it," You replied as you set your phone down on the table, "Trust me, I already tried to persuade her so many times, now she's warning me if I ask her one more time- I'll never see the light again."

Sanemi rolled his eyes. "What about you- "

"No. The last time I tried to sneak out to meet you, we both and our parents- plus paparazzi and Ari ended up in the police station." You interuppted looking at him while crossing your arms.

He sighed and groaned.

"Fine..." he mumbled under his breath. You smiled at him at his childishness and clingyness.

You shook your head with a small laugh, "Look, it's just going to be a week. It'll be fast." You assured.

He sighed, "Okay okay..."


You sighed in frustration, you rubbed your temples as you spoke to your mom through the phone.

"Mom! Please, I swear you'll love him. Just let him spend the holidays with us for a change? Please?" You asked as you paced around the room.

However, your Mom didn't want that. She says that even though you were dating, you aren't allowed to bring him over because of certain- precautions.

You looked over to Rengoku who was sitting on your bed listening to the conversation. You furrowed your brows and shook your head.

He then stuck his hand out indicating that he wanted to talk to your mom.

You looked at him confused and passed the phone over to him. He took it and winked at you as he put the phone to his ear and walked out of the room.

'Oh boy... I wonder what's his plan...' you thought as you flopped on your bed, you shook your head, "There's no way he's going to convince her..." you muttered.

However, you were suprised when he walked in and passed you back your phone with a happy smile.

You looked at him confused.

"Looks like I'll be the holidays with you." He says as he walks out triumphantly.

"What?- How did you-" you chased after him.

"Ohh just a bit of convincing and promising her things here and there." He chirped.


"Remember, don't get lost." Obanai warned as he hugged you.

You guys were at the airport saying your goodbyes for the week.

You sighed, "I'll try not to get lost, if only you could come." I replied disappointed.

"Pft, who said I wasn't coming with you?" He scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

You looked at him shocked, "But- my mom-"

However he just put his hand over my mouth and said that he already took care of it.


"Aweee come on!~ I'm sure she'll like me..." Zenitsu pleaded.

He wanted to spend time with you during the holidays but you always refused because you were afraid that your mom won't approve of him and she always doesn't want any guys around you.

After a whole friking week of pleading, he finally won and you decided to not tell your mom he was coming. So technically you would be bringing him over without her knowing.

During the week, you were suprised to see her having fun with him. She said that she approves of you being with him but for the next holidays, he won't be able to come.

"What? But why mom? You seem to really like him." You asked in disbelief.

"I know, but you still have to spend time with your family alone. " she answered strictly.

You sighed and nodded as you walked out of the room. Well- at least this holiday you got to spend time with him, it's the least that your mom could accept.


"Inosuke, I told you you can't come." You said packing your suitcase.

"But why..." he asked again. He has been whining like a child since morning because he wanted to come and spend the holidays with you.

"Look, I already told you that my mom won't allow it... ugh... now please stop asking!" You said jumping on your suitcase trying to close it.

He groaned and layer on the bed sulking.

Then when you guys parted ways, and you finally reached back home. You got a call from him saying that he was lost at the airport.

He needed you to pick him up.

"Are you serious Inosuke- I don't even know where I'm going most of the time and this happens?" You told him through the phone.

He sighed, "Alright alright fine. I may have lied that I was lost, I just wanted to see you okay?" He replied on the other end which made you face palm

He really was clingy, but you loved him for that.


Shinobu wasn't so clingy, but she did visit you and your family for a day before she went back home.

She got along really well with them which was a huge relief judging by how you had to beg your mom for weeks to meet her.


She kept on sending you letters and cute texts saying that she misses you. And she updates you on how she's doing.

She checks up on you and randomly calls you to when she misses you :))






Hello my reader!! How was your day?👀👀❤ I hope it was great!! Have you eaten? If you haven't, THIS IS UR SIGN TO GO EAT👹👹

Sorry for not updating in such a long time 😭😭 I was so busy that I didn't even have time to update my other book💀💀

Aannyywayyss if you guys have any 9ther suggestions, please pm me :))❤❤❤ I need yalls amazing ideas😭💖 yall are to talented.

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