[Red carpet pt.2]

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The day has arrived! It's been 5 days and the girls are in your dorm room to put on your outfits!

The reporting time at the venue was at 6.50pm so you guys had quite some time to prepare:D
Shinobu, Nezuko, Mitsuri and Tamayo helped the girls to put on make up.

Ari kept on trying to escape because she hated makeup😭 it was SO uncomfortable for her especially lipstick since she can't eat properly with it and she's only there for the food.

Mitsuri decided to do light make up on her and for lipstick it's just lip gloss which was fine with her.

After make up, everyone went to put on their outfits and everyone looked gorgeous 😭then after that, it was hair!

Luckily Ari was able to do her hair herself which was just a ponytail with some messy strands of hair out and sealed with hair spray💀

Everyone was helping each other with their hair and it was frustrating since their hair kept on getting tangled-

After 2 hours😭 everyone was ready

The girls kept on complimenting you even though you kept on denying.

Then suddenly everyone heard a knock at the door. It was the guys. The guys were so excited to see the girls outfits. (BTW all the guys are wearing suits)

They were complimenting the girls until you stepped out. They were stunned and were staring at you(😏😏)

Ari nudged you towards them teasingly.

Tanjiro: Y-you look amazing...

Rengoku: Really beautiful! It compliments you perfectly y/n!

Shinobu: She looks perfect in anything Rengoku San...

Takashi: Very stunning indeed.

Inosuke: I'm taking her to the venue!

Sanemi: Back off, I'm taking her!

Gyomei: I think she should have a gentleman to take her instead...

Obanai: that's me. I'm taking her.

Sabito: He said gentleman, I think that means me.

Giyuu: Yea, keep dreaming. It's me who's taking her.

You looked at Ari for help to get you out if that situation because it was a little embarrassing and you didn't really like being the centre of attention 💀

Ari: Alright everyone, the taxis are already outside, I think we should go. Oh and you guys are paying for yourselves cus I'm broke😔

She said helping you to cause a distraction :)

Everyone laughed at the comment forgetting about the mini argument about you.

Mitsuri: Wait! Before we go, let's take a selfie for this memory together!

Mitsuri said excitedly holding up her phone, everyone crowded around and took a few selfies before heading over to their taxis.

You chose who you wanted to sit together with and everyone headed Over to the venue:))

Once everyone entered the venue, it was absolutely beautiful, it was crowded and full of cameras so you made sure you stood next to the person you're most comfortable with.(you may pick anyone :D)

After a few hours of photos and meeting different celebrities (p

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After a few hours of photos and meeting different celebrities (p.s I have 0 idea how a red carpet event works😃 so don't attack me pls) there was a buffet and everyone sat down and ate :D

There were a few guys which approached the girls to talk to them (in a flirtatious but respectful way). Most of them actually approached you 😏 asking for your name and how well you did as an actor.

However, the guys like Sanemi and Inosuke always pull you away from them😭😭

One bad thing though, there was this girl who kept on giving you a judging look, always looking you up and down. You told this to the girls and they just said the the girl was just jealous of you.

When it was time to eat, you were sitting with the girls while the guys were sitting behind the girls table.

Then suddenly the mean girl approached behind you with a mean smile and some juice in hand.

Mean girl: Hi... you're y/n right? Nice to meet you.

You: Uhm yes... do you need anything?

Mean girl: No! Just wanted to say you look absolutely beautiful in that outfit! I think it deserves something...

The girl said with a smirk as she poured the drink on your outfit. You gasped and stood up. Nezuko who was sitting on your right immediately took her pink blazer and covered the stain.

You: What's your problem?!

You said as you glared at her.

The girl shrugged arrogantly with a smirk and wanted to walk over to the guys table but suddenly tripped and fell.

Ari who was sitting on your left had stuck out her leg as the mean girl walked past her and tripped the mean girl over.

The the guys who were sitting behind her took their drinks and pour juice over the mean girls head while she was still on the ground.

She screamed in dismay as she quickly stood up and ran away. Everyone watched her left and came towards you to ask if you were okay which you assured you were. You were really embarrassed and felt like you really needed to get out of there.

It was quite late so everyone agreed and decided to head back to the dorm building to relax after a whole ordeal💀





HELLO MY READER!HOW WAS YOUR DAY??<33 I hope it was great!❤❤

I have 2 requests that I'm going to fulfill in the next two chapters so yeah! I hope you're going to enjoy!💖💖

Have an amazing day, rest well and STAY SAFEEE!!❤👏👏

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