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POV: over a year, the team had a lot of fun times together, especially the amount of bloopers you all have😭💀

Here are some bloopers that each of the actors and actresses have!💀

(P.s this is connected to my other book!<3 so if you see some parts you don't recognise, then u can skip them!💖 unless you read my book lmao)


You guys had to film the part where Tanjiro, you and Nezuko met Tamayo and Yushiro. Yushiro had to sort of, 'beat' Tanjiro because he is protective over Tamayo.

Yushiro in the modern world is a very nice guy, when he found out he needed to hit Tanjiro while acting, he was very hesitant you guys had to do the scene again and again.

Everytime when Yushiro needed to hit Tanjiro, a person behind the camera need to signal a hand sign to alert Tanjiro that he was about to get hit, however, this one time, the person forgot to signal and without warning, Tanjiro got hit at the back of his head unexpectedly.

Tanjiro immediately covered the back of his head and crouched down in pain.

"Cut!" You heard Ari said, "Tanjiro, you okay?" She said as she ran up to Tanjiro to check up on him.

Luckily it wasn't a serious bruise, it's just that Yushiro had a hard hit since he works out a lot despite his small figure- so-

You immediately came to his aid and Yushiro to, he kept on apologising while hugging Tanjiro.

Tanjiro assured that he was alright and the person behind the camera also apologised.

In the end everyone burst out laughing because when they watched the scene on camera, the video got cut of right when Tanjiro got slapped at the back of his head.


Takashi is quite professional at his work, so when you guys are filming together, it's you most of the time who messes up💀 however, this one time, he kept on forgetting his lines during the scene in the forest when you guys are fighting Riu in the forest.

During filming:

Takashi: Alright, so I'm going to charge at him and you need to create a clone to replace yourself here so the real you can... you can- sorry what's my line again?

He said looking at the crew embarrassed.

Ari: cut!


Takashi: Aright, so I'm going to charge at him and you need to create a clone to replace yourself here so the real you can run up behind him through the trees and you can crap- trap him-

He accidentally said however he tried to cover it up quickly.

Ari: Cut! I heard that Takashi!

Takashi: Awe sh*t-

Tanjiro at the back: Language!


At the end of the day  after a million tries, he finally got it 💀


You guys were filming the part where Giyuu first met you in the movie. So he had to 'strangle' you according to the script while Inosuke was at the back tied up yelling at him to put you down.

Giyuu kept on laughing during this shoot and he can't keep a straight face because of the things Inosuke was saying while being tied up at the back. He also couldn't help himself from laughing because when he lifted you up by the collar, you sometimes made a funny face which made him and the whole crew laugh.


Sabito is afraid of heights, so when he needs to be lifted up by wires onto the huge rock, he would be sweating.

Onetime, he accidentally slipped on the rock and he thought he would fall on the ground, he had a whole heart attack💀 he forgot about the wire attached to him was there so he SCREAMED.

When the wire on him held him in the air, he went quiet and everyone was staring at him. Everyone was quiet until you couldn't hold in you laugh and everyone started laughing including Sabito.

Sabito went limp on the wire and he was swinging around while laughing.


He never had any bloopers since he never really showed up in the movie Mugen train so I can't really think of anything💀😭 I'm sorry<3





HELLO MY READERS!💖💖❤ HOW WAS YOUR DAY? I hope it was great!<33

I'm sorry if this is not a funny chapter😭💗 I tried my best, I'm not the funniest person💀 I hope that you liked this chapter though!

One more thing, I need your help and some suggestions for new oneshots topics :)) if you want to suggest any, please pm me!💖 I wld be more than happy to add them!☺❤

Stay safe, rest well and HAVE AN AMAZING DAY!!💗💗💖💖

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