[Kanao catchup!]

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Loyalty test:

Kanao is a very shy person in general, so she can't really stand up for herself when some guy or girl try to force her into something. So it's usually you who would protect her from them.

She is too kind and friendly (in my opinion her personality to me is like Hinata from Naruto in the modern world).

One time, when you weren't there in the studio, Ari told you that there was some girl trying to hit on her(Ari and Kanao were alone in the studio and Kanao was talking to her fan. After a few minutes the lady started to get flirty). Kanao obviously looked really uncomfortable however Kanao didn't say anything and was just backing away.

The girl went to far and tried to kiss Kanao, Ari was about to step in and stop her but Kanao did something unexpected.

She pushed the lady away and demanded her to stop, the lady was startled by this but continued to push her. Kanao pushed her away however the lady was getting aggressive.

Ari immediately stepped in and held the lady back while Kanao called security to take the lady away.


She usually isn't the type to be clingy, however when you had your days off because of exams, she doesn't get to see you on set and she gets really worried.

You didn't leave your room for days and she went to check up on you. She brought you flowers and your favourite food.

When she saw you writing many things, your hair messy, things scattered every where in your room.

She saw eye bags on your eyes.

"Y/n... you look like you've been studying 24/7, you need to rest!" She said worriedly as she placed the things down on your desk, "Here is some food, you eat up and I'll clean your room while you sleep okay?" She suggested.

You looked at her, "What? But it's my room, I can't let you do that for me..." you protested with a frown.

She shook her head, "No, you need rest, I promise you it's okay..." she said as she helped you up from your seat onto your bed.

Once your head hit the pillow, you instantly fell asleep, you were awake for 48 hours so it was reasonable that you fell asleep.

Kanao smiled and started to clean up your room. Suddenly, Aru walked in, "Hey- oh- she's asleep?" She asked turning to Kanao with a smile.

Kanao nodded also looking at her sleeping beauty.

"I have some free time while I have a meeting later, let me help you clean." She offered walking in while picking up some papers.

Kanao thanked her and both of them started to clean quietly.


-she talks to you every chance she gets because she is very comfortable with you<3 you are basically the only person that she's the most comfortable with😭❤

-she places small flowers on your desks or in you bags to remind you of her :)💕

-she gets shy when you want to cuddle with her, so most of the time you would tackle her in a bear hug<3 she is a little spoon when you guys cuddle✨

-even though she is a shy person, she is not afraid to beat anyone when they talk bad about you, she loves you and would do anything to defend you(like eren and mikasa)

-loves that you style and play with her hair❤

-she loves to bring you on strolls while you guys talk and have deep conversations 🤍

-she tells you her secrets and her thoughts💕

-when you start to panic in public, she will gently hold your hand and rub the back of it with her thumb to calm you down a little and tries to get you out of there as fast as possible💗

-loves to donate things to charity<3





HELLO MY LOVELY READER!❤ HOW WAS YOUR DAY?<3 I hope it was amazing ;)

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! This Kanao catch up was suggested by notmelike-not-me !<3 here is your suggestion!💗

Thankiew for your support and your request for this chapter! I enjoyed writing this :D if you guys have any more for the next chapter, feel free to comment :)) I would love to fulfill them!

Have a great day, get good rest and STAY SAFE!!🤍❤💕💗

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