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How they would react and how they act once you're gone:


Tanjiro is a really sweet and sensitive guy. Even though he is probably the person who is hurting the most out of everyone, he still checks up on them to see if they are okay.

He tries to not cry and remain strong because he knew you wouldn't want him sad over your death, but after a while of holding it in. He eventually broke down and just cries in his room. He misses you :(


He is a very helpful and gentle man. He would listen to other people's problem and gives them advice even though he needs it himself.

You usually was there for him and he was there for you, so now that you're gone, he would take a picture of you and place it on his bedside table and talk to you about his day/problems as if you were still here.


He avoids everyone. He never talked to anyone for a few days because he felt that no one can ever make him feel the way you did. He keeps his problems to himself which made his mental health worse than it already is. :(

However, he never pushed his fans away. He would act the same with his fans. Happy and kind :)


He tries to cheer people up and telling them to look at the bright side. He misses you dearly but he puts his friends over himself. He cares for his friends like he cares for you :)


Gyomei tries to distract himself with work and exercise. One time you gave him a stuffed bear for his birthday so now at night he would hug the bear to sleep because it reminds him of you :((


She cries herself to sleep every night :( at night she would look through the photos and selfies that you two took together in the past.

It helps her sleep even though it hurts her at the same time.


He apologised to Inosuke for lashing out at him in the hospital. He was just so angry.

He cries and gets panic attacks from time to time and you would just hug him. You were his comfort, he loved your warmth and presence. Now you weren't there.

He felt so empty without you.


He helped people to get over your death. He knew that not everyone stays so he tries his best to be strong for you.

He visits your grave to talk to you about his problems and life. He leaves some gifts when he visits. He also loves to just relax at the place where both of you had your first date :)


He usually does over work himself for you to stop him in the past. However, now he gets out more often because he knows its what you have wanted.

He also kept a picture of you and him on his desk because it makes him feel like you're there :)


After the incident, Zenitsu distanced himself away from Inosuke because he needed a break. He spent more of the time looking through photos of you and him.

He also buys you flowers to leave at your grave everyday. After leaving your flowers He would just sit there and just talks to you for hours, not wanting to leave. (He's clingy to you so it's so hard for him to move on so quickly :< )


This boy was affected the worse. He was traumatised because he thought everything was his fault even though everyone said that it was not.

He had nightmares about the incident and always woke up in cold sweat so he doesn't get enough rest each night. Most of the time he would just stay in his room and tries his best to sleep even though it was impossible.


She would help Ari talk to the public about the case of the incident and try to help her file a lot of paper work because of the incident.

At night she would just think about you the whole night to help her sleep. Sometimes she would wake up to find herself crying(tearing).


She is a very kind soul like Tanjiro and Takashi. She would just try to help others around her and tries to be their therapist.

It helps her cope in a way to listen to their problems and gives advice because she can relate to them about how their feeling. Its like she's also giving herself advice aswell.






HELLO MY LOVELY READERS!<3 How was your day?👀 I hope it was amazing!❤

I hope this chapter wasn't to sad :(💖 anyways, if you guys have anymore requests, feel free to leave them in the comments :))

I hope you have an amazing day, rest well and STAY safe!<33

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