#22 Fussy

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Do what felt best at the moment.


"What happened?"

"Ishmael and I got into a fight that almost ends badly." I told him while wrapping my hair with a towel he gave me to get it dried.

"What? What do you mean by almost?"

"I didn't get the chance to fuck him up but if he test me, I will do as I promised." I vowed. He looks confused so I told him what happened all morning, even though the noise of my ringing phone and my brother being the only caller, I blocked him.

"That's crazy but I'm sure you'll both work it out right?" He implied and I scoffed.

"I'm determined to do what I feel is right for myself and leaving for a while is number one on the list. I know my brother, he can me manipulative when it comes to the test and would do anything to get us how were before. I won't let him walk over me. No way."

"Leaving to go where?" He asked and I pointed in the direction of the lake when we get to a crossroad or intersection nearing town. "You're staying at the cabin?"

"That's the plan." I sang, taking up my phone and went into the notes app where I started a list of things I need, pros and cons.

"No staffs lives there on the private property but they shows up once a week. You have school, how will you get there and did you bring outfits for school if you do plan on attending?" He was worried and I reached over, placing my hand on his thighs getting a reaction when I didn't mean to. I was about to move it but he just entwines our fingers, using one hand to seer. 

"I won't go tomorrow but I'll call my parents when I get there, and you seems to forget that I know how to take care of myself."

He sighed, taking a glimpse at me then spoke. "Fine, as long as you call, text and be safe. Now tell me what's your plan, I'm helping you get settled."

"I just need the basics necessity for a week but I'll use tomorrow to seek a simple job."

"A job?" He blurted, followed by his low chuckles. "Your family and in-laws has enough money to buy this town but you're seeking a job. Edayna, you do remember you have school, soccer and this goal for finding yourself."

"More like volunteering, my mistake. I did see a new shop opening in Spring Valley Lake when I visited." 

"It's apart of a project your dad company built for my mother's new business inspiration. My friends and I always complained about the other cafe's and restaurants in town for being more of an adult or family scene but nothing to spike the young adult's interest." We were at the first entrance to the place and he got stopped by security due to the protocols.

Windows down and our faces shown by the security camera then we could leave. One of the five security at the gate that attended to us didn't mind Tristan much but stared at me with a knowing look before he lets us off. "Why did I get that look?"

"Unlike many people who are blind to the similarities of you being a true Ellis, these securities are payed to do a proper job. You will be surprised with the information they collects on the daily, like the amount of times a person visits. Back to the conversation at hand, the café is under reservations for the next too weeks... Shit, duck."

I slides down in the seat, with the seatbelt almost hanging me by the neck and loud honking were heard behind us. I was scared of who was trying to get his attention but to my surprise the familiar voice of Jasmine reaches my ears.


"Fuck off Jasmine." He shouted in reply but she just continue driving next to his Jeep in the opposite lane.

"I need to speak with you. Just give me five minutes, it's important."

Her request was ignored as Tristan speeds up, loosing her and I was staring at him the entire time. "You can get up now. I'm sorry."

That was the last thing he said while he parks the car next to a grocery store then exits the jeep. My brow furrows as I watch his frame moving away in the distance. Was seeing Jasmine leads him to be that upset that he left me in this vehicle without another word. Scoffing, I unbuckled the seatbelt and reached for my bag on the back seat. I made my exit and went into the store where I payed for the items but also the delivery to get to the house by security in the next half an hour.

The next store was home and electronics, where I got the best items for the cabin. The last place I went was a for beauty and cosmetics where I buy as many products that I will need; Hair dye and box braids was also included on the list with the offer of delivery. I know for a fact that the cost won't put the amount on the card at risk and I made my way to the cabin with my bag in hand. Mean time, I eat from the jar of cookie I took from the kitchen at home. 

It took me a while to understood how the transportation worked and I payed for a ride from the town to daddy's gate. The guy slash driver of the golf cart refuses to take the money but I was persistent so he gave up. It would've taken a half an hour or more by foot but the seven minute ride was a quick one. The two lane road was secured by a tall wire fence in the forest area and the side that has the house had private gates and concrete walls for it's protection. The scenery seems beautiful from inside a vehicle but as a lonesome person walking like Tristan and I did on Saturday, the trees had looked a bit too scary on the other side. It gave me the horror movie vibe with; shadowing trees, whistling willows, the silence of other birds but crows hanging on the closer branches.

Remembering the password Tristan entered on Saturday, I gained entry and closed it behind me. I wasn't interested in the tall structure that would strike many persons attention and attraction but for me, the small cabin well hidden by wines and trees was my new haven.

Just when I was about to open the door with the key I picked up from underneath the flowerpot, the ringing of my phone frightens me enough to drop the bag from my shoulders that lessens the sudden weight. I scan my surroundings and saw no one or movement then I quickly answered the restricted call with a fast beating heart.


"Ishmael, what yuh want?"

"It's Elijah." My breathing stopped or the matter of few seconds, waiting for him to speak another time so I could believe that it was truly him.

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