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Rain was hitting hard on the roof above us as we all sat around on John B's porch. JJ was full of rage after the hearing. He kept hitting his juul, breathing the fumes out.

"We have to do something about it!" He screamed into Pope's face.

"What can we do? We need to stay out of trouble! We can't afford to be put into jail too, we're sitting ducks." Pope said back.

Kie and Sarah were just sitting, listening to them argue. I decided to stand up and walk over to JJ.

"JJ, I know you wanna help him. I wanna help him. I can't bare to see him like this but we just have to wait. We'll figure it out, okay?"

"I can't believe all of you." He stepped away from me, going to leave.

"Are you serious? You're just gonna leave?"

"No one wants to help him but me. So, I'm leaving. You guys can sit around but I'm not."

"I'm coming with you."

He huffed at the idea but I wasn't letting him do anything stupid, not alone at least. He left the porch out into the rain.

"I'll keep my eye on him, okay? Text me if you guys need anything. Pope, I'm sorry about him."

"It's okay. He's just upset."

"We're all upset, he just doesn't know how to handle his feelings. I've got him." I gave everyone a wave as I walked out into the rain.

I walked to the side of the house to see JJ leaning up against it. The rain was beginning to make his hair fall into his face, sticking to it. I could tell he was breathing heavily.

"Hey, J. It's okay. What's wrong?"

"John B is gonna die and it's all my fault. I can't save him."

"That's not true. He's gonna be fine. He'll be okay. I promise."

"You saw the way the police treated him. He won't last."

"John B is one of the strongest people I've ever met. Next to you. He'll be okay. We'll get him out. We just need to relax for a bit. All that rage isn't gonna get us anywhere."

He just stared up at me, tears welling in his eyes.

"I can't lose him. He's my best friend."

"We won't. You won't."

I brought myself into him, holding him tightly as the rain continued to pour down on us. He sobbed into my shoulder, caressing me just as tightly as I was holding on to him. He peeled his wet body away from mine and held my face. Our eyes met and he just stared into me for a few moments before pulling my face into his. His lips moved slowly against mine as I kissed him back. I let his hands move up against my back, lifting me up. He held me tightly, his hands going underneath my wet shirt. I had almost forgotten we were outside.

"J." I muttered into the kiss, trying to pull myself away.

"I need you." He moaned back.

"Let's go somewhere, okay? I'm freezing." I laughed, pulling my body off of him.

His face got red and he looked away.

"Sorry, princess."

"You're fine. My place?"

He nodded, motioning over to his bike. He hopped on and I sat behind him, holding on to his waist as the bike roared to life. I laid into his back as we drove off. The ride seemed relatively short. He pulled the bike into the garage and pulled the kickstand down. He hopped off the bike with excitement.

"What's got you in a good mood?" I chuckled, pulling my hair back.


I smiled as we walked into the back door. He kicked his boots off, pulling all of his wet clothes from his body. I shut the door and did the same. He started running up the stairs without any say.

"What in the hell are you doing?"

"You'll see." He called from upstairs.

I peeled my wet clothes from my body and walked slowly up the stairs, hearing the water running. The bathroom door was shut. I knocked.

"Can I come in?"

I got no response, still hearing the water running.

*mature scene- you've been warned*

I opened the door, feeling the heat from the shower that was running. I saw wet footprints leading up to it, knowing that he was inside. I saw the outline of his body, his hands moving up to his hair. I took a deep breath, it had been a while since we had done anything like this. I was hoping that I was ready after all that had happened over the summer.

I reached out for the shower curtain and pulled it back just enough for me to step in. He was facing away from me, washing his face. I always felt uncomfortable with my body, but with him, I felt safe. I walked towards him, pressing my body against his. I laid my lips on his neck, sending kisses down it. I shivered, my exposed body not yet hitting the water. I heard a gasp escape from his lips as I sucked on his neck. He let out a chuckle as he turned around. The suds still fell from his shoulders as he looked up into my eyes.

"What a rebel you are, Rach."

I felt my face get hot.

"Was this not what you meant? I- I can wait for you to be done." I stepped away from him, feeling stupid.

"You're not leaving until I'm done with you." His voice got low and I felt my entire body shift.

He pulled me into him, kissing me all over my chest and up my neck. I held on to him, my hands running down the arch of his back. I felt my toes curl as he moved his fingers against me. The water was running over the both of us, making this even more hot than it already was. He removed his lips from my chest and looked up to me.

"Is this okay?"

"This is more than okay, JJ." I pulled his face into mine, our kisses becoming more sloppy.

My back leaned against the shower wall as I felt him enter me. He lifted up his head to kiss me again, but he struggled to keep up. We both exchanged breathy sighs between our kisses. JJ used to use the dirty talk with me, but this time it was more gentle and soft. We didn't really say much besides the occasional curse word muttered under our breath.

He slowly pushed himself further, causing me to gasp out. He continued to run kisses down my neck and back up to my lips. My hands ran up and down his back, leaving scratches from my nails. I leaned my head into his shoulder, leaving kisses down the side of his face. It all seemed like we were going in slow motion.

My legs began to buckle and I felt my body twitch. He moaned into my ear just as he exited my body. We both just stood there for a few moments, catching our breath. I lifted my head up and smiled at him, trying not to laugh. It was always an awkward conversation afterwards.

"What?" The corners of his lips turn to a smile slowly.

I just started to laugh and he joined in with me. I walked over to the water, letting it warm my body up.

"I missed us. I'm sorry for being such a jerk lately."

"You're not being a jerk. You're worried about our friend. It's perfectly understandable. I missed us too."

"You're so perfect. What would I do without you?"

"Probably crash and burn."


After the Storm- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now