Chapter 72: Deal

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Ima start periodically putting "Readers Takes" at the end of chapters of all books. Basically are just questions surrounding situations or incidents in the book that are ways to get y'all opinions. I like my readers input and feedback. I dropped one at the end of this chapter, answer if you have an opinion. Thank you 💕


Sort of random, not random thought but, now that I think on it, I never asked my dad how'd he end up out of jail after everything he'd done. I was so caught up with the news and the conversation we were having at the moment that it didn't strike me to ask.

Knowing him, he probably just hired a crooked lawyer to lie and cover or delete something.

But any who, it's lunch time and I'm dying for a cheeseburger with bacon. I closed out my pages that I had open on my desktop, neatly stacked my papers and pushed them aside, and got my keys and wallet for to go grab a burger from one of the many spots near here.

As I closed my office door and turned to lock it, I heard Kirk.

I mentally rolled my eyes. I don't wanna be bothered right now.

And just last night I remembered why he was on my shit list, aside from me feeling bad about what I did. You'd think I wouldn't have forgotten something like that but, with so much going on and I guess me feeling so bad, as I stated millions of times, that It slipped my mind.

He smiled as he approached me, "Hey." He said

"Hey" I said, mustering up a fake smile

"Where you headed to?"

I sighed, wanting to think of a quick lie, "To handle some business." I replied

He glanced down at his Apple Watch on his left wrist, "Oh, it's lunch time though? You skipping lunch?" He asked, raising an eyebrow

I plastered another fake smile, "I just had a snack not too long before lunch, so I kinda held myself off for a minute." I said

He nodded, "Oh, okay. Guess we'll catch up some other time." He said and leaned in for a kiss, but I reflexively backed away.

He frowned, stepping back, "What's wrong?" He asked

I shook my head, "I'm sorry, I just think I'm coming down with a cold and I don't want you to get sick. My throat has been a bit scratchy the past few days." I lied

Damn, I'm getting good.

"Yeah, the season is changing. Well let me know if you need me to come take care of you." He smirked

I smiled, not at him but more so grateful he believed the lie, "Okay."

"See you around, ima call you." He said before heading back to his office

I nodded and begin walking away. I started feeling guilty for lying, and started overthinking if he really believed me or if he was just going along with it.

Those feelings of guilt quickly faded though as I walked away. No need to feel guilty. I honestly should just let him go, no need to string him along with a secret like this. It's as if we're not together anyway. I brush him off more than I spend time with him, I'm not really feeling the relationship and the only time I am is if we're being really consistent but the way life is going right now, we won't be for a while.

I know I have to end it with him here soon.

It was fun, different and it felt good when him and I were spending a lot of time with each other, working on us, being in a relationship where I didn't feel as if I had to worry about the issues I used to in past relationships. But, it has to end.

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