Chapter 52: Nervous

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I haven't had any wine in about a week. I'm thinking of settling down with a glass tonight.

I already discussed it with my doctor, up to 1 standard drink is acceptable if breastfeeding or pumping as long as I wait two hours before nursing or anything of that sort but more than that time would have passed by the time it's time for more milk to be pumped. I've already pumped tons of bottles that'll last me until tomorrow.

I just need a tiny glass, I'm unease about my interview tomorrow morning. I know I have well over enough experience—hell, I ran an entire company. But, for some reason I can't get my hopes completely up like one would think I should.

After I showered and bathed Cheyenne and got her to sleep, I decided to push any negative thoughts out of my mind and settle down with that small glass while I skimmed Netflix for a show to binge watch. I won't let it bother me. Well at least I'll try not to.

Next morning

Mia just got here to watch Cheyenne while I went to my interview.

"I won't lie, I'm nervous, Mia."

"I really don't know why, like, if credentials were a person—you'd be it." She smiled

"I need that encouragement, but it's still hard for me to grasp onto it and just be like, 'I got this!' "

"You'll see once they say, 'you're hired' before the interview even starts, that you were overthinking this."

I sighed, "I can't wait until that moment then." I said as I grabbed my purse

"Text me or call me if you need anything, I shouldn't be gone no longer than an hour—I hope." I said

She brushed me off, "Girl, I don't care." She said as we walked to the door

I kissed Cheyenne's forehead as she slept in Mia's arms and headed out.

When I made it there, which was 10 minutes ahead of time, I tried to calm myself before I even got out of the car. I constantly repeated to myself, "everything will be okay, you're just overthinking," but it still didn't put me at ease.

I sighed to myself after repeating the same thing over and over and not believing it anymore than the last time and just got out.

I walked to the door in high confidence despite how I felt and I informed the front desk clerk that I was here for an interview. She smiled and handed me a clipboard with a few questions which only asked basic personal information such as my name, email address, phone number and things of such.

When I finished filling it all out I passed the clip board back to her and sat and waited.

How's Cheyenne?
11:20 AM Sent to Mia ♥️

Mia ♥️: girl she's fine, how are you ?
11:21 AM

Nervous as HELL.
11:21 AM

Mia ♥️: you should've had some wine before you went 😂
11:22 AM

Yeah and this interview would've been over before it started 🤣🤣
11:23 AM

"Taylor Houghton" a guy in a suit called

I quickly put my phone away and followed him to an office.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked as I extended a hand.

He shook mine in return, "Great, great." He said and smiled

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