Chapter 53: Finding Out

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I haven't been moping but lately I've been thinking on my incident with the job and it has been getting to me.

It's as if I can't win for losing. I'm trying to put my best foot forward and keep it forward but there are so many barriers blocking me. Lance for starters. I should've never dealt with him to begin with, who would've knew he'd cause me so much hell in the future?

I regret everything I've ever done, said or thought of in regards to him. I've always thought about if I had a time machine to rewind I'd rewind and change so much stuff—probably a list long of things, but the very first would be for me to have never met him.

He has changed my life for the worse. Just when I thought my life was brightening up.

But, enough of my rant, on to the current situation, I'm waiting on Chris to get back to me in regards to the expunging of my background. He said it'd take a few days but it has been a total of a week and he still hasn't updated me.

He's supposed to be coming by tomorrow to see Cheyenne so hopefully he comes baring good news.

Since Cheyenne has seemed irritated all day I decided to give her an afternoon bath. Afterward I'll feed her some warm milk and hopefully she calms down.

I rubbed her skin softly as I rinsed the soap off of it. She silently sat there, seeming to enjoy the bath.

I'm so grateful she looks more like me than Chris, well obviously in my opinion, because let Chris tell it, she looks just like him but has my color and barely has that—but that's if he's telling it.

I playfully plumped her cheeks with my thumb and index finger, she mustered up a smile and it warmed my heart.

I washed her up once more and rinsed her back off.

As I put her clothes on, I heard a knock on the door.

I finished up and headed to the door with her in my arm.

"Well isn't she the cutest?!" Mia said as she walked inside.

She rushed to wash her hands in the kitchen and came back and grabbed Cheyenne out of my arms.

"So, any new word from Chris?" She asked

I sighed, "Nope. I've been waiting for him to get back with me and he hasn't. I was going to ask him the other day, but since he's coming by tomorrow I'll ask him then."

"Yeah, just wait it out." She suggested

"Oh, and just a heads up before he comes tomorrow...he's thinking of asking you if he can take Cheyenne overnight." She said

What she said caught me by surprise because he made such a big fuss about last time, "He doesn't mind keeping her overnight but fussed about an hour."

"He claims he wants to try it again. I'm only telling you because I know you haven't been apart from her just yet and if you're going to allow him, you'd likely need to prep yourself."

I sighed, "I haven't been away from my baby for an entire day just yet. I don't know. I can't keep her from spending time with him, though. She'll eventually have to spend the night with him... probably. Thanks for telling me." I said

"No problem. This is why I told you." She said, obviously noticing the saddened expression on my face.

"I'll think about it." I replied

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