Chapter 25: Fact Check

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"Taylor.." he said


"Taylor, look at me." He sternly said

I inhaled deeply then exhaled and looked at him.

I wanted to look him in the eyes but it was hard.

"Can you at least look at my face?" He asked

"It''s hard." I said

"Let's go talk in my car." He said and grabbed my hand and I followed behind him to his car.

"Stay there, Mia." I said to her before the door closed behind us.

He unlocked the car and we got in and at first we sat there. It was silence. Boy, is this awkward.

Awkward situations and an awkward person like me do not mix. I could just run.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked

"I just found out like a month ago and we weren't talking so..." I said

"Okay, hopefully you would've eventually came around had this not been your decision. Why didn't you tell me that this was your decision?"

I sighed and shrugged, "I don't know, Chris."

"You do know, stop acting scared to talk to me."

"This isn't an easy topic to be touching basis on, give me a second." I said

He sighed and sat back. I took a sigh myself, "I don't know. I mean, you can't even commit in a relationship so why on earth would I think you'd commit to a child?" I started

"Those are completely different situations." He said

"But why are you doing this?" He followed

"Do you not know who we are? Do you know who I am, who you are, how we conceived this child?" I asked

"Well you're Taylor and I'm Chris and we conceived this child from sex." He answered with a playful, yet serious smile

"I'm serious, this isn't a joking matter."

"I'm serious too, who we are and how we made the baby doesn't matter. What matters is why are you choosing to go this route? And mostly, why didn't you at least think to tell me that you were pregnant and that you were coming here?" He asked

"Firstly, who we are does matter. We're two people headstrong in our careers to where we won't have time for a baby. We conceived this baby forbiddingly because we weren't supposed to be having sex to begin with. I didn't tell you because the moment I found out I knew what I wanted to do, and it would've been pointless of letting you know if I was going to decide to do this anyway."

He nodded, but I could see he didn't like anything I said.

"Well let me fact check everything you just said. Just because we have careers doesn't mean we can't or won't be able to make time for our child, our income is very stable therefore if we need to take a pause— we can afford to. Secondly, we didn't conceive our baby forbiddingly because there's no rule written anywhere that says we can't enjoy pleasure— together or not. Thirdly, you wrong for not telling me at all, that you were pregnant or that you wanted an abortion. I had to find out when you were damn near already on the table." He explained

"You're being dramatic, they didn't even call my name yet. I don't know what you're doing all of this
complaining for anyway, I thought you'd be relieved that I was making this choice... you wouldn't want it interfering with the relationship you and your ex are working on."

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