taxidermy Tiffany's story(with extras soon)

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"Just one more push hun"
"Yes....and she's beautiful"
"Hi Tiffany, it's me, mommy"
"Hello sweetie, I'm your dad. Welcome to the world, you're gonna be just like me"
"Hun, not everyone wants to taxidermy things. I honestly find it creepy..... Especially how you keep getting more dead animals to taxidermy them"
"Lighten up a bit, you don't know yet. Maybe she will..."

(5 years later)

"Dad? What does taxidermy mean?"
"O-oh, it like making a toy only you use real animals to make them. They're more like decorations, I have a bunch! Wanna see?"
"Yes! Yes!"

"It's right through this door"
"This is....."
"Oh! Sure, let's find something simple. Like a squirrel"
"It's dead?, Why?"
"Well dear, it has to be skinned"
"Oh..., Cool"
I grabbed a knife and started to skin the squirrel
"Wow... fast learner huh. Well now we have to clean and salt the skin and stuff it with saw dust and sew it up"
My dad showed me how to the next steps.
"What do I do with it now?"
"Use it as decoration-"
He stopped as he saw me sew the eyes shut and paint them blue, like my eyes
I ran off to my room and put my squirrel on an empty shelf.
I had a weird liking to seeing a dead creature look so alive. Other than the eyes.

(10 years later)

"Dad! I need a new shelf for my animals"
"Haha, you like those things huh? Well luckily for you I already saw the lack of space so I bought you a new shelf"
I hugged my dad and realized that he's gonna get old....and not look like him self in a few years same with mom.
Shame, I wish they could keep their perfect looks till they die.
"Well what are we waiting for!, I just taxidermied a dead dog the neighbors gave to me to keep"
"Haha, animals get to look nice forever. We get buried in the ground"
"Yeah.... Wonder if you could find a way to keep perfect and intact"
We went to my room and put my shelf in my room... I looked at my dad and saw he's looking a little less perfect, maybe I can keep him perfect!....but how
"I'm home! Phew all this work is doing a number on me.. haha not even 50 and I already have grey hair"

Grey hair? Ugh. I gotta do something
I gotta do something I'm a master at....
Taxidermy them~
"Look at the time, isn't it time for your friend to come over"
I completely forgot I had invited my friend Maria over... She could be of use.
"Oh yeah.... I think she'll be here soon. Hehehe.... we're gonna have sooo much fun"
"Uuuh the way you talking is kinda creepy, then again we taxidermy animals"
Then we heard a knock on the door
"That's her!"
I ran to the door, opened it, grabbed my closest friend, dragged her to my room, and kicked my dad out. Things might get a little bloody....
"Whoa tif calm down. What's the rush?"
"I need to taxidermy my parents. They're not looking as perfect as they used to."
"... I wanna stay perfect too, practice on me"
She said as a small smile grew on her face
I nodded and stabbed her right in the head, so she could die but she'd still look pretty.
"Let's start.. hehehe~"
I proceed to do all the steps to taxidermy her... Once I was done, I sewed her eyes shut and painted them blue. Like how I did to ever animal I taxidermied.
I brushed her hair,did her makeup, and put her in a dress.
She looks just like a porcelain doll
"Oh you look perfect, thanks for lending a hand, hehehehe~"
I waited till my parents went to bed. I snuck into their room to go stab them in their heads
I had started with my father, his scream woke my mother up
I looked at her, feeling a creepy and malicious smile forming on my face.
I slowly walked towards her and pushed her on the ground. I stabbed her, but I ended up stabbing her in the shoulder.
She was still alive but very weak
"Tiffany...why are you doing this?..."
Her eyes were full of hurt and confusion
"Because I love you, you're getting old and soon you'll loose you're gorgeous looks. So I have to prevent that from happening. So... I'll keep you perfect...FOREVER!"
Right when I said that I finally got her in the head. Which lead both my parents to be dead.
I taxidermied my parents, I put mom in her finest of dresses, did her hair and makeup making her look like a porcelain doll. Then I put dad in a suit, and combed his hair.
"I love you both, and I love keeping you perfect. I had to. Forgive me"
I giggled, as I sewed their eyes shut and painted them blue. HAHAHA.
I then realized that I won't stay perfect forever... nor will anyone else.
I'll have to help them before I make myself stay perfect.

taxidermy TiffanyWhere stories live. Discover now