a bloody argument (extra 9)

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Tiffany pov:
I hear screaming and stuff breaking
"Uuuh, does anyone think what I'm thinking"
I hear Jane say unsure of herself
"That Alex and violet are arguing and shit's being thrown around? Yeah we do"
Me,Jeff, and lj say at the same time.
"We've never even argued like ever since we started dating"
Jeff said confused and worried
"We used to argue like that all the time when we were still enemies. But that was because we hated each other"
Jane said putting her hand on her on Jeff's shoulder
"Should we check on th-"
I was cut off, when a normal kitchen knife came flying into the room
I yelled jumping onto lj, not into his arms or what not, just straight on him
Lj said putting me down
I see violet yelling as she walks out the room
I groan hearing Alex say that again
"Call this enemies part 2, electric bogaloo (did I spell that right?)"
I hear Jane say in a pissed and sarcastic tone
"It may as well be if he calls me a bag of sand again"
Violet says giving Alex who now as both pain and anger in his eyes
"You wouldn't dare..."
He growled
"Oh I would"
I daughter say pulling out her skinning knife
Oh shit
"Fine sand bag "
Alex said, testing his soon to be ex girlfriend
"May we all have a moment of peace for Alex.... Because He is definitely dead"
Everyone nodded, and then we all hurried to go stop the two
"That's it"
My daughter says, stabbing Alex in the arm. Slowly carving up to get rid of the skin she's cutting
"We're through"
Both Alex and violet say at the same time
Alex went to get his knife and then went to his room
My daughter on the other hand...
"Violet...do you need to cry?"
Jane said cupping violet's cheek trying to comfort her
Violet just nodded and dropped her skinning knife
"I just-.... It's over, back to hating each other I guess"
She said trying to smile
She ran off to her room.
After a few minutes I checked on her
She was staring off into space, holding the bear she loves ever so much and wearing the dress he got her.
Poor thing, I left and went to go on a killing spree to get more taxidermys for my collection.

Alex pov:
It's been a few hours since me and violet broke up.
I hate her, and she hates me.
The story starts all over huh?
I decided to cut her open and watch her become nothing but a pancake of skin
I got my knife and went to her room
She was holding the damn bear I gave her and wearing the dress I gave her...
I shook my head and stabbed her
"Heh, at least it's something right?"
Violet says, looking at me with pain filled smile
I ask confused
"At least you still care, just not in a good way..."
I just stand there in thought. But then I came back to my senses and dragged my knife down.
"Ah, to scared to fight back?"
She shook her head
"My skinning knife is in the hallway"
I blink and then turn to the hallway, and she wasn't lying.
I shrugged, and watched her become a pancake
"I haven't wanted to see this in a long time, but here we are"
And that's when Tiffany, and my parents came in
Mom and dad were holding me back and yelling at me, while Tiffany sewed up violet and refilled her
"WHO CARES?! ME AND HER ARE THROUGH, should have known it wouldn't have worked out"
I say pissed and storming out
"I shouldn't have kissed him, I shouldn't have held onto him, UGH THAT NIGHT IS JUST REPLAYING IN MY HEAD"
I hear violet say....

That night... The night our parents shut the power down to make us fall.
It worked, it's the first time I kissed her...held her....told her I loved her......
That's long gone in the past.
I shouldn't have done any of the things I did to or with her.
Biggest mistake ever.

Violet pov:

"I hate my life"
I say as my mom gives me my skinning knife.
Jane,Jeff, and mom look at me pitifully and then leave
All I do is change into my PJs and sleep to bring day faster
When morning rose
I went downstairs to watch TV
That's when I saw Alex on the stairs.
I ran to him to hug him hoping it was all a bad dream. He then flipped out which made me realize it wasn't a dream.
So I let go, pushing him down the stairs. I slid down the rails and walked to the couch.
Alex sat down too.
I was tempted to cuddle up with him but then
"Don't even think about it. We're through, I knew why you really hugged me. You panicked which is why you sent me flying down the stairs"
I look at him and he gives me a dirty look
I took my skinning knife and jumped on him, ready to stab.
He looked panicked, probably since he can't reach his knife.
So I guess he did what he was gonna do as a last resort
He kissed me, I kissed back which lead us sitting up.
When we let go..
"I only did that so you'd get off"
He growled grabbing his knife
"I know"
I said grabbing my skinning knife
"And it meant nothing"
He said pissed
"I know, you're not blushing"
I said ready to fight.
He went to jump on me but I moved out the way.
He grabbed my arm but I headbutted him and kicked him in the dick.
When he was on the ground I kicked him in the head.
I stomped on his handsome face to make it less attractive so I didn't feel bad and then I walked away.
I went into the kitchen and put on my extra high dish gloves (for safety reasons) to do the dishes
And that's when mr.frown came in
"Yeah do something helpful for once"
He said trying to piss me off
"I helped please your sexual cravings all the time, I also helped you hide a body because it turned out to be someone non of us were meant to kill"
He went a bit red and fell silent
"Shut up you slut, you're nothing but a waste a of time"
I sigh as he continues to speak
"A waste of time YOU chose to date, and now I'm a waste of time that's off your hands"
I say with a smile as I finish washing the dishes
I took off my gloves and went to grab my sewing stuff and my skinning knife
I ran downstairs and was tripped by Alex
"The fact I ever loved you still surprises me, should have known you would've been no good"
He said in a "game on, bitch" tone
I scoff at him and get up, grabbing my stuff with me and walking out the door
Hopefully like last time, things will fix themselves

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