love problems and moving in(extra 1)

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Ooooh goodie
I had just taxidermied 3 kid, they'll keep their youth forever...
They lived with their grandparents, hideous. I killed them and buried them, but I took the kids to a house I found. Lot's of killers live in the woods. Weird-, I found a house hidden on a hill. I cleaned it and found a huge room that I used to keep my prized possessions.
"Hehe~ hi mom! You look wonderful today! So do you dad, and you Maria, so do you 3 little ones, matter of fact...ALL OF YOU DO! HAHAHA"
All of them perfect dead but so alive, with their sewed and painted eyes....
I looked at myself, I'm 30...starting to lose my perfect look.
I stabbed my self in the head...and lived.
I proceeded to taxidermy myself...but I'm alive... I'M FOREVER PERFECT AND ALIVE!
I did my hair, makeup, and dressed myself.
I already had blue eyes, so my last step wasn't needed.
I heard someone, or more of something walk into my house.
Ew, what is that. I am gonna kill it and burn it .... Oh my lord....
(Sorry, but every creepypasta story had the man of the slender, a.k.a Slenderman)
"WHAT THE HELL ARE, UGH. Even if I were to taxidermy you, it'd be impossible. You're so tall"
"You're the first one to never mention my lack of a face"
"I've seen people with no noses,eye,fingers,feet, hell I saw this person who looked like they had a smile carved into their face. I wouldn't even touch that, let alone taxidermy that"
"That would be jeff, he does have a carved smile into his face"
"Anyways, what do you want no face? I'm really not in the mood, my back still hurts from cutting a clean seem to get my skin off. Don't ask, I taxidermied myself...and live through the whole thing"
"You're a creepypasta"
"What-, HAHAHAHAHAHA yeah ok"
I felt him grab me
"If you're gonna kidnap me, at least let me take my taxidermys"
He sighed- some how. I got like 20 trash bags, one for each taxidermy.
"I assume you're gonna need two rooms, one for your stuffed victims"
"Room '-' ? What is this a hotel?"
"You're gonna live with a bunch of killers and other creepypastas "
"Excuse me-"
Before I could tell him to leave me alone he grabbed me and my taxidermys took me to god who knows where.
When we arrive at some mansion he set me and taxidermys down and walked inside, I assumed he wanted me to follow. So I did, bringing my prized possessions, and when I was in I saw...
"Great, more ugly people. You brought to some huge place with ugly people?!"
"We got mr.ugly smile, ms.blank face(Jane), mr.goopy eyes (ej), some gross blond guy(Ben), two ugly guys (hoodie and masky), a Betty boop looking clown(lj), a girl with a clock eye, a fuck boy eating a waffle, some gross dog, a cat with some shitty teeth, a brat with a toy bear, some fan girl of mr.ugly smile, and finally the man who kidnapped me.... Mr.i kidnap people"
Everyone looked at me in total shock
"What? Were y'all thinking I would like you? Non of you are taxidermy worthy"
I see Mr. Ugly smile run after me, I just walk away and checked my bags to make sure everyone was in tact
"Oh my beauties, so perfect"
The brat with the bear looked at my taxidermys and screamed
"So mr.i kidnap people, where am I gonna be held hostage?"
"Why did you bring this one slender? She's worse than my boyfriend"
Ms.blank face asked
"I'm not THAT bad"
Mr.ugly smile said
"She kills then taxidermys her victims to keep and I quote "to keep them perfect forever" I find it interesting how she keeps her victims instead of hiding or leaving them"
I was given two keys one for my bedroom, I guess and the other for my taxidermys. I immediately go to my taxidermy room.
"AAAAAAH, ugh. I need to clean this, get chairs, and get lights"
"Why on earth would you need to do that"
Said that gross blond kid.
"You wouldn't understand. These are wonderful things that need to be treated with care"
He looked over my side to see what's in the bags
"THEY'RE PERFECT PEOPLE I TAXIDERMIED TO KEEP THEM PERFECT FOREVER! You wouldn't understand because you're to ugly to be taxidermied"
"Oh, and you not any better. I doubt you'd taxidermied your self thanks to your looks-"
He said before I cut him off
"I did taxidermy myself, I'm full of sawdust. I somehow lived"
"You lived because you a no longer human"
"Oh, anyways anyone wanna help?"
"Why should we?"
The clock eye lady said
"I don't know, just asked"
As I proceeded to try to fix the light in the giant room.
"Got it! Now to do some cleaning."
I feel that brats hand tug on my arm
"I wanna help, as a welcome"
That br- child said smiling
"Alright, sweep the floor while I dust off the shelves that will hold my original animal taxidermys"
That sweet child said, I smiled knowing someone is helping
"Sally, her name is Sally"
"Oh, alright"
I hear the sound of a chair being pushed, I look over and see.... It's blank face
"Sally asked me to help, so I'm bringing the chairs"
The lady with the face that's pretty blank.
"Thanks Jane!"
Her name is Jane.
Jane got at least 30 chairs....
"Why do you have to many chairs....?"
"Fights happen"
" A lot"
added the clock eye chick
"Aaand shit breaks"
Mr.ugly smile said
"Ah, I see. I should have already guess that when you tried to cut the saw dust out of me"
"What are you even gonna do with them. They just sit there"
Toby asked
"For decoration toby, damn you're stupid"
Mr.goopy eyes said
"At least someone gets it"
After I finished putting all my taxidermys into the room I went to my room.
Mr.ugly smile yelled
"All of her belongings wouldn't fit. If we want her to stay she will need a bedroom with enough space to get in and out of"
"Ms! You forgot the squirrel, you have it in your small white bag."
Sally spoke.
"Thank you, put it in my room. It's the first thing I ever taxidermied. Good memory of me and my dad."
I said as she gave me the a princess dress and crown
" Did you dress my squirrel up?"
She giggled and nodded.
"Boy, Sally is a fan of despite the fact you called her a brat"
The clock girl said
"Listen tik Tok, I'm new and I honestly don't like most of you."
I said with sass
Flipping her off and walking into my room. I put my squirrel on my night stand and proceeded to clean my skining knife.
"Ugh, this is gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog life time" I groaned trying to sleep only to realize, I don't need sleep... I'm just saw dust and skin. I literally don't need energy.
I looked to my side to see someone open the door
"Mr.ugly smile and his gross dog. Why are you here?"
"Number one, my name is Jeff number two his name is smile dog and number three, I heard you're full of sand dust and literally don't need sleep. Anything else your weird ass can't do?"
Jeff asked in a tone that's pissing me off
"Can't drink, eat, puke, go to the bathroom, bath or shower, aaaand I can't produce spit"
I said as him and his lidless eye become not scared orin shock more of a "wtf" look
"So how do you get clean"
He asked
"Non of your business, also your girlfriend looks pissed at you"
I see him spin his head in a panic
"Jeff what the hell... It's 3am, you put people to sleep yet you don't sleep yourself"
Jane spoke in a calm but piss voice
"J-jane, i- ugh! I just wanted to ask some questions about the new freak that popped out of blue"
Jeff said clearly embarrassed by his tone, but his ugly ass face makes him seem like he's high
"It's fine babe, but couldn't this have waited till the sun was up"
Jane spoke as she wrapped her arms around Jeff's neck
"Can you two fuck some where else, I'm trying to question why this cat is here now"
"Ugh, grinny why are you in her room?.... It's because smile dog is here isn't"
Jane said mocking and also teasing the cat
The cat jumped off my bed and start to rub it's face on that mistake of a dog. The dog just laid down and let the cat do it's thing
"Animal versions of you two huh?"
I say as the dog growls at me
"You may be ugly but I'll taxidermy you so everyone can see how hideous you are"
I snapped at the dog only for it to charge at me
"Whoa there boy, she's just as pissed as you are. I don't think Jane of slender would like to have saw dust everywhere"
The dog was barking at till that cat started licking the dog to calm it down.
"What is going on here?"
"Well for starters Jeff came into my room with that ugly dog to ask me questions, the Jane came in s was being all flirty with him, then that cat thing just appeared, I said that cat and that dog were them in animal form,then that dog got piss and here we are"
"So it's Jeff's fault"
"Yes, yes it is"
Jane said with her hand on her hip.
Jeff yelled with a face of shock and a tone of anger, then he blushed when Jane kissed him on the check and walked out.
"Yuck, lovey dovey stuff"
I say as everyone walks out
"Yeah I hate love too"
I look up to see Betty boop clown
"Alright Betty boop be doo, what do you want?"
I say with an attitude
"Betty boop be do? That's a new one. Anyways, I saw the fight with you and Jeff and his lover bleh. And I just wanted to ask to be friends, I mean, I hate Jeff you hate Jeff-"
I cut him off
"Ok Betty boop, you came to bother me because you wanted to be friends, what's next we gonna hand out candy together to kids?"
He stared at me and pulled out a bit of candy
"BAHAHAHA, you actually have candy? That's priceless"
"Is that a yes???"
He asked
"Yeah sure, I'll be your friend Betty boop"
"It's laughing jack"
I nodded and sat up. I bent down a pulled out a taxidermied bear cub.
"This was originally my best friend's taxidermied bear cub, but she got a better gift by being taxidermied. So you can keep it"
I give a small smile as he takes it.
"Wow, how'd you taxidermy a bear cub with out the mother attacking you?"
He asked in utter shock and confusion
"My dad killed the mother and taxidermied her while I did the cub"
He nodded and the cub disappeared, I got confused
"I just put it somewhere, don't worry-"
I hear some soft moans
"Is that ...." I turn to him
"THAT'S SALLY, god damnit Ben"
I screamed which lead little Ms.clock eye, goopy eyes, Toby, Jane and Jeff, slender man, and Jeff the killer's fan girl to come rushing in
Yapped in worry
We're the words I couldn't mutter out
"Oh poor Sally, she was so pure"
Cried Jane balling her fists
"I'm gonna put him to sleep!"
Jeff yelled holding his knife
"Can I join! That fucker is the worst!"
Said the fan girl who seemed pretty calm
"What's happening why is everyone so mad, they're just playing a game right?"
Asked toby
"No hun, Ben is doing Sally. Like how I did you"
Clock eye chick and Toby are dating
"We need to do something"
I see that dog run into the door bursting it down.
Jeff,Jane, and that fangirl have their knives out ready to attack Ben. Me and laughing jack are in front of the door way with the dog and the cat. Goopy eyes has shoulder locked Ben while ms.tik tok has Sally. Toby and slender man are in the room looking for their clothes.
Jane growled
"W-w-well you see I was just playing my games when Sally burst into the room and jumped on me saying she just learned what sex was and she wanted to try it"
Ben said looking ashamed
"It's true, he was the only one who would show me. And gotta say, he's good at it-"
I noticed that Sally was crying into Ben's bare chest mumbling something like "I'm so sorry" and "love you, it's my fault we have to be apart"
"Being in love will only hurt you two, it's better this way. Love is nothing but asking for a heart break"
I said looking down
"YOU WOULDN'T KNOW, you're heartless emotionally and physically. You could never be loved or be in love"
I was taken back by Sally's Comment
"Not true, she befriended me. And gave me a taxidermied Bear cub"
Lj said depending his probably only friend.
"Her? Friends? She probably just got bored"
Snarked ben
I looked like I was gonna cry, but I physically can't
"Tiffany, are you gonna cry?"
Questioned Jane in a confused tone
"I physically can't, I don't have that part of me anymore. But I..., Imma go to my room anyone can come if they want"
I went to my room lj following.

taxidermy TiffanyWhere stories live. Discover now