body dry as saw dust (extra 1 part 2)

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"Tiffy are you ok?"
Lj asked.... Tiffy?
"No, I'm 30 yet I'm being emotionally hurt by an 8 year old"
Lj sat on my bed next to me and put his hand on my shoulder
"She's just mad, plus she's wrong. I kill kids, you'd think I'm heartless and can't feel love. But I can, I just don't like it. well Romantic love that is"
He says trying to cheer me up
"Hehe, thanks laughy taffy "
I smirk as he puts his hand on his chest the other on his head
"HOW DARE YOU I thought we were friends stiff tiff "
I laugh with him, to see Jane walk in and say
"Tiffany has a thing for Betty boop"
I get mad and before I could speak lj speaks
"HEY, Betty boop is her nickname"
He says
"That's not the problem here -_-"
I say in a "really?" Tone
"Oh right- she hates romantic love, she would never like me in way"
I smile as lj defend me
"She's smiling because you're defending her-"
Lj look back to see me making a thankful smile
"She's just thankful, goodness Jane"
She look at him with a "I know I'm right" look and then she walks away
"Ugh Jane, always getting into other's business"
I said as I looked at lj, he was mocking Jane
"I know right, we don't do romance"
We bother laughed at the thought of romance.
"I'm as dry as saw dust, no interest in a relationship, hehehe......"
I say nervously??? What the
"You good? Seem unsure of what you said"
He said with a very weary tone
"Yeah...fine, Jane's and Sally's words are messing with my thoughts. I'll be ok"
He look unsure
"Imma test something, forgive me"
I give him a confused look only to be pinned to a wall, I felt my inside checks go warm but I look to see I'm not red... THAT'S RIGHT I DON'T HAVE ANY BLOOD IN ME
"Get off lj! WHAT THE HELL"
"Sorry, I was testing if you'd blush"
I bopped him in the head
"I don't have blood dumb ass, my skin is dried and I'm full of saw dust. I physically can't blush"
I said both pissed and embarrassed
"I said sorry- wait can you feel heat?"
I cross my arms and nodded
"Did you feel warm?"
I face palm and shook my head no
"Thank god"
I nod and give out a nervous laugh.
"Can you leave, I kinda wanna be alone right now"
He nods and get out of my room only for Jane, Jeff's fan girl, a clock eye to barge in
i scream
"One we need to talk about your crush, two their names are Nina the killer and clock work"
She say hands on her hips.
"What crush?!, Didn't I tell you I hate romantic love."
I said laying down completely  pissed at what's happening
"Hehehehe, don't be silly tiffs."
Nina said giggling
"You got a thing for lj, for some reason. Like for real, you got some wack taste in men"
Clock work said arms crossed looking at me
I felt my checks go warm
"I over heard the fact you physically can't blush"
Jane said sitting on by bed.
"Ok? I don't like laughing jack, he's just a friend. So quit being dumb"
"You're cuddling the pillow he laid on"
Clock work said in a "boi" tone
"I-, I am?"

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