I'm a teenager (extra 10 part 2)

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Violet pov:
I wake up to me being in a dark room
I try to get out and leave, only for me to realize I'm tied to a chair?
"Babe if this is some new sex pose you wanna try you could have just asked. Now untie me please"
I said out of the dark room
"So I'm your babe now am I?"
A man said
Coming from the dark and turning on the light
I know this man, he kidnapped me
"No, Alex the killer is. I am a minor. Yes I'm a taxidermy but still! Let me go you pervert"
I said squirming
"No. You're too pretty to be let go. I saw your a taxidermy which what amazing kids you could have had can't be made anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't get you to love me and have sex with me"
He said winking at me
"I'm 15"
I said with my typical sass
"I don't care"
He said Sternly
I roll my eye only to yelp from him squeezing my tit
"Ugh I wish Alex were here"
He laughed at my annoyance
"Listen cupcake, he's gone. He's probably found a new girlfriend by now, now you have me and I'll find a way to make you love me"
He said evilly
"Yeah right! Want me to love you? Be Alex the killer, then I'll love you"
He gritted his teeth at my words before forcing me into a kiss
I wanted to cry, no I NEEDED to cry
But I can't....
The kiss went on for a while and when he let go he giggled


"I need a towel"
I said
He replied
"To dry my mouth, if I get wet I can mold"
He groaned before stuffing a towel in my mouth
When I was done I spat it out
"My mouth is dry"
I said sticking my dry tongue at him
He slapped me and went out of the room.
Since he wasn't in the room, I can't get in trouble. So I untied the ropes because they were tied in the back and so we're my hands, dumbass. I then went and looked around.
I found he took my phone out my dress pocket, my sewing stuff, my paint, and my hair ties
I decided to put my hair up since whatever hairdo I had was completely ruined
I took my phone and found he was so dumb he didn't erase my contacts.
I put Alex, my mom, laughing jack, and Alex's parents into a group chat

(Alex, Tiffany, violet, lj,  Jeff, Jane)
"I'm in this red neck's house"
"Where is that?"
"I don't exactly know"
"Should we got out and help look?"
"Slender already sent people, Alex is with them"
"Right, I forgot "
"You are the dumbest man alive...dead?...idfk what to call you"
"Can y'all stop arguing? I'm still kidnapped"
"Right sorry vi"
"Shit! He's coming back, I'll be back"
"Ok then"
"Talk when we can"
And with that I got offline and hid my phone
"Alright sexy I'm back"
He said giggling
"I'm 15, with a boyfriend"
He rolled his eyes
"Listen, I'm your boyfriend now. I'm gonna propose tomorrow and you only have one answer, yes..."
I scoff at his words
"You haven't even mentioned me being out of my chair"
He laughed at me
"You don't have any weapons and I have the key to the door"
I roll my eyes
He turns around only to be stabbed with my spare skinning knife, it's more of a kitchen knife. After all it is just a backup.
He screamed in pain, seeing the blood come out of his wound. He ripped some of his pant leg and wrapped it around it. During that time I was trying to pick lock the door with my needles, but I wasn't in time because I was being picked up by my neck and being thrown across the room.
And then someone bursted through the door it was....

I yelled in shock that he of all people would find me
"Oh hey! I can't talk right now I'm busy looking for- VIOLET"
I face palm.
He grabs my hands and takes me back home
I was kidnapped for 5 minutes
When we got home everyone was worried
Sally asked, why is she here
"Guys it's only been 5 minutes, why are y'all so worked up?"
They all blinked at me
"It's been a week..."
I asked in fear,shock,and confusion
"She must have been knocked out for almost the entire week"
Ben said- Ben?
"He may have drugged her, for a taxidermy she blows some hard hits."
Alex said- ALEX!
I ran up and hugged him give him a kiss
"Whoa- I missed ya too"
"Back to the topic, she couldn't have been knocked out for that long from just the drop. She would have woken up mid way there."
Mom said
" it could have been chloroform"
Victoria said
"But she doesn't have lungs, nor a blood stream..."
Haley said
"Good point"
"Dad" said
"Maybe he sewed her eyes shut and I unsewed them once he got her into the chair and it just took her a while to wake up"
Ej said
"But that's not how sewing nor taxidermying works"
Mom said
"IT DOESN'T MATTER! she's back and that's all that matters"
Jeff said
"For once you made an actual good point"
Jane said
Jeff said giving her on the lips.
"What did he even say to you"
Clock work said
"Something about him being my boyfriend and proposing to me"
Right when I said that I felt Alex holding onto me tighter than before
Alex said
I was blushing like crazy
"Yandere much- AH"
Nina said before being smacked in the back of the head by ljill
"Why'd you hurt mommy..."
Haley said,... griping her bat....
"She was being-"
Ljill was cut off by masky covering her mouth
"Thank you masky"
Ej said
Hoodie face palmed and went to his room

This is gonna be a hell of a long week

More cheesy plot lines ooooh

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