another 10 ( extra 5 part 2 10 more years)

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Violet pov:
My best friends Sally and Ben are adults and moved out, I'm sad. It gets worse being 15 and the only other person my age here is, ugh Alex.
He's no longer human now, which sucks. I can't get rid of him anymore,mom says that I messed up becoming enemies with Alex because I used to be good friends with him.
Used to, past tense.
I often find him staring at me which makes me both proud because I'm that Charming and beautiful and grossed out because he's my enemy.
We get into fights a lot, no one wins. I just end up losing a lot of saw dust, and he ends up losing a lot of skin and blood. We get fixed up of course, but I wish they didn't fix him.
Glad I carved that frown in his face, shows him how I felt when he took my needle. I would have sewed it back up, if we didn't end up declaring each other as enemies.
I know he threw all the stuff I gave him away, but I kept the stuff he gave me...if smells like him ok?
I was in my room sleeping (even if it doesn't effect me in any kind of way) with the teddy bear he got me because I'm scared of the dark ok?, when he bursted in and pulled the covers off me... seeing I was with the bear
"Y-you kept that? Pfft hehe HAHAHAHA, why would you keep that?"
He laughed pinning me down on my bed to stab me, not only did I feel a blush I accidentally whispered
"Because it smells like you and I'm scared of th dark"
"Sorry I didn't hear you"
And like that I grabbed my skinning knife and went to stab him in the arm, but he grabbed my he was...

"H-have you been working out?"
I ask is a tone that sounds like I'm liking what's going on
"What's to you, you went to stab me"
He said letting go of my arm, I put my knife down and my breath started to pick up
"Uuh, what the hell?! Are you.. enjoying this?
I shook my head no violently
Realizing what was happening, I grabbed my knife again and stabbed his arm making him let me go
I grabbed the bear and ran off.
I think my mom and "dad" saw me run into the bathroom because they came to check on me
"Vi are you alright"
"Dad" used the nickname he gave me
"j-just leave me alone"
I was needing to cry, he sighed and left.
He was stuck in my head, I wanted him out
"Get out of my head, get out of my head, JUST GET OUT OF MY HEAD"
just then I saw someone stab the door and unlock it, it was Alex
"What's wrong?~ scared of this big buff boy"
I just gazed him, I went to reach for my skinning knife when he held it out in front of me
"Looking for this"
He smirked at me, I felt myself blush. Thank God he isn't aware of how my body works
"Yes, yes I am"
I said pulling on the sass my mother gave me
"Come and get it"
He said throwing it at me, I caught it which made him go wide eyed
I decided to try to be suductive
"But this isn't enough, I'm looking for you too~"
I saw him blush but then shake his head
"It failed the first time it's gonna fail twice"
I pout which made him just look at me
"Are you ok?"
He shook his head and went to cut me open, but then he stopped.
I just looked at him in the eyes
"Why can't I stab you with my needle...?"
I ask in a soft tone
We both sighed
"Today's been a weird day, I feel to awkward to be near you right now"
Alex said walking out
I nod and walked out too, making sure to bring the bear... He looked back and smiled(or at least tried to) at me seeing I was still hanging onto the bear.
That day we couldn't even give each other a hateful glare, all we could do is just avoid eye contact.
Night came and I was stressed to go kill some old people, I was too uneasy to taxidermy.

I guess two great minds think alike because Alex was there...
It seem he had drown someone so he was just in swim shorts
I could feel myself go red even if it couldn't show
I covered my eyes and walked out the room
"Holy shit he's hot..."
D-did I just say that
SHIT- I think he heard me and came after me
I'm done for
"What did you say?"
I go warm all over
"I said holy shit he's hot, you're uuuuh sweating"
He looked at himself and realized he actually was sweating
The room was really hot and I'm not talking about him- GAAHH
I went into the bathroom and threw a towel at him because I'm tired of being horny because of him
"C-cover up, your gross"
He flipped me off and wrapped the towel around himself and left
And when. He left I went into thought
"... Do I? PFFT AHAHAHA no no no, can't be possible"
I laughed off the thought of me liking him and went home
That night I didn't sleep, I just snuggled the bear that still smelt like him. It gave some form of... relaxation?, I don't know why...
When morning came I got out of bed to do the dishes like I always do, but Alex jumped on me and held me to the ground
I went bright red inside.
Know how he looks almost naked, his face,his voice, his eyes....,his everything, there's not doubt I love him.
He was on top of me, inches away from my face.
My lips twitched wanting them to touch his lips
Then he spoke
"Your mom told me that you can't physically blush, but you can feel it internally"
I growled at him and took my knife that I had holding my hair in place, it let down my hair (which was the first time he ever saw me with my hair down. When I did that he kinda just looked at me, slightly tinted?) and I stabbed his arm to get him away from me.
"SHIT, DAMNIT I let me guard down"
I took the knife out and he pulled out his knife
Then my and his parents came down and broke us up
he stood there, red, realizing what he just said
I just stood there processing what he just said...I liked him saying that
I said being able to keep my face from lighting up in joy
"PFFT, Y'ALL ACTUALLY BELIEVED THAT? I can make myself blush"
He thought of something and went red. That kinda broke my heart for some reason
He said grinning, although it was hard to tell for a second
"I was the only one who didn't fall for that"
I said, pulling off the act of me not falling for that and have the urge to kiss him.
He looked thankful as if he was glad I didn't fall for it, strange.
The adults let us go
"Haha, did you really think I'd fall for that?"
I said hoping he actually thinks I didn't fall for it
I laughed in his face to pull of th act even better
He smacked me
Ow :'(
"Dumb whore, you've always been so suductive with me. I'm starting to feel like you like me"
I blushed, but kept a straight face. Can't let anyone know
"As if, why the hell would I ever like you?! I hate your guts"
The adults groaned and walked off, just then the power went off
With out thinking I grabbed onto Alex and started to whimper. I didn't care that he was my enemy....I just needed someone to hold onto, someone who made me feel less scared.
Surprisingly Instead of pushing me away he held me whispering "it's gonna be ok, nothing is gonna hurt you"
All I could do was snuggle into his chest I felt calm and started to speak with out thinking
"When I said you were hot as in the temperature, that was a cover up I do think you're-"
I was cut off by him speaking and putting his finger under my chin
"I know, and I wasn't kidding about your eyes"
He said sweetly
"Really, you mean it?"
I asked starting to feel even more less scared
"Of course"
He said, I felt his hand on my check
Right as we were about to kiss the power came back. We panicked so we started to fight each other again.
"Man I thought that would have worked"
I hear Jane say
"Excuse me?!"
Me and Alex say at the same time both blushing

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