3 | Treasure hunt

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Once he was up they head inside taking in everything again. The four find their treasure chest and open it up since Dan remember the code. "The oath. We swear that these things will remain in this box until we find D.B. Cooper's treasure. Signed, a bunch of kids." Jerry reads.

"Remember we pricked our fingers, took a blood oath? Dan, what's that next to your signature? That's not blood." Tom looks at the paper.

"It was earwax." Dan answers.

"Ugh!" Tom makes a face.

"I was afraid needles." Tom fakes gags.

The things they put in back then they get back to look at. Dan got his C-3PO, Jerry had his Brian Bosworth rookie card, Tom had his first rubber, and for Parker it was bracelet her favorite teacher got her for her birthday. They end up seeing that Billy put the compass back in then plotted out a whole trip to find the treasure.

"This is the camping trip he wanted up to take last summer." Jerry points out.

"I couldn't go. I was detained in Mexico." Tom tells the group.

"I couldn't because there was no way Rick would let me go in a trip with four guys." Parker adds.

"And he wouldn't do it unless we were all together." Dan says.

"I swear to god, I think he figured it out. I mean, look at all this research. He reconstructed the jump. He pinpointed D.B.'s landing. I'm sorry, you guys, we made an oath. It all goes back in the box. It all goes back in the box until we find the treasure. So let's go find it. Let's... let's take Billy's trip. Come on, guys, what do you say?" Jerry takes everything standing up.

"I say, hell, yes." Tom agrees.

"Hell, yes! Right?" Jerry gets excited.

"We'll get a canoe

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"We'll get a canoe." Parker joins them agreeing.

"No. No, I'm... No." Dan shakes his head.

"Oh, we're all going. Listen, I wanna get a lot of rope." Tom ignores him,

"A rope's good. Like in D&D?" Jerry does the same.

"I know you guys won't grasp this concept, but I have patients and... I am a doctor now. I am Dr. Mott now! I have responsibilities!" Dan has to yell because they were ignoring him.

"You responsibility is to come treasure hunting with us. We're 30. I mean, this might be the last chance we have to do something incredibly stupid together." Jerry tells him.

"I... I agree." Tom tells him.

"For one, I turn 30 next month. But I agree too and I need this. For Billy, Dano." Parker gives him a look.

"Not fair." He crosses his arms.

"I think it's fair. All right. Time to re-up on our oath, boys. Fingers up." Tom pulls out his pocket knife.

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