6 | Bullet wound

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"Tom... Where were you a river guide?" Dan asks tired.

"San Dimas." Tom says making me want to get up and strangle him.

"Raging Waters?" Jerry says.

"Yeah. They had some serious rapids there, man." Tom answers.

"What, class, toddler?!" I shout at him.

"Hey, I was employee of the month of the Monsoon Lagoon." I throw my head back while they all blame whose fault it is for us getting here.

"Hold on a sec, Tom. We're you really employed of the month?" Jerry asks.

"No. I lied about that, too." He tells us the truth.

"Let's just go home." Dan shouts.

"I agree. That's a great decision. All we gotta do is jump up over that 100 foot waterfall, swim upstream 20 miles, get to the sheriff on the phone... He likes us. I remember. And he'll send out a rescue boat." I grab Dan turning him to the waterfall.

"Hey, there's a beer in the river. Cool. Look at this it's cold." Tom takes it out of the water. While Dan loses his mind, I look at the wedding ring on my finger. Jerry said he still had Billy's compass so we walk south.

"Hey that sounds like Creed." Jerry says.

"I never thought I'd be happy to hear anything that sounds like Creed." Tom says and as we get to the top we see lights.

When we get closer we realize it's the two guys from the river. Dan or either Jerry kicks a van making them know someone is here. "That's a gun." I whisper as we go to hide. "Holy hell." I see the whole shed was full of weed with Tom.

"Hey. These guys are pot farmers." Tom lets Jerry and Dan know.

"What? How do you know that?" Jerry asks so we point it out.

"We should go

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"We should go." Jerry says.

"No shit." I whisper shout at him.

"What are you doing?" I see Tom opening a package.

"I'll write you a prescription. Let's go." Dan tells him as we tell him let's go.

"All right." He comes over making noise.

"Tom!" I growl at him.

As we get ready to leave the dogs show up then the guys. "Hey, guys, um... Listen. We don't want any trouble. Um, we just got lost in the river, you know? Hey, can we use your phone? And... And... Who cares, you know?" Dan says right before they start to shoot at us.

I hiss as I feel a bullet grazed my side as I leap to hide with the guys.

"Let's go through there." Tom points at the wall.

"Where? There's no door." Dan says and the guys look at each before throwing him through the wall.

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