7 | Huddling

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Jerry suggest we climb a tree to see the area and Tom says he things he's still high because he sees two chicks in a tree. Well, that's a clean version of what he said. "Hello? Excuse me Miss? Ladies!" Jerry calls out to them as we get to a big tree house.

"My name is Flower!" One shouts down.

"You may call me Butterfly." The second says. "And if your from the logging company, you'll have to speak to our lawyers!" She tells us.

"If you look to your left, you can totally see her downstairs." Tom tells Dan making him look so I slap the both of them upside the head.

"Respect" I growl at them.

Jerry tells them we aren't from the logging company and they let us up there with them

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Jerry tells them we aren't from the logging company and they let us up there with them. They guys tell them the story of our trip so far and they found it amazing. They stay they will was our dirty damp clothes for us and of course Tom had no problem getting undressed quickly. We just sit around in our under clothing with a blanket wrap around us.

"What was that scar on your right rib?" Jerry asks me while the other two were being taken care of by the girls a level below us.

"A broken wine glass thrown at me at a pool party. Rick was drunk and his friends were too." I look out at the trees.

"You're going to leave him when we finish this trip, right?" He looks at me.

"Yeah. Still don't know exactly how or where to go." I sigh.

"How did you even get yourself in this situation? I know you, Parker. You're badass and don't let others, especially guys, treat you like shit." Jerry puts his hand on top of mine.

"I don't know. I feel in love with him but feel out of it a month into dating him but I had no where to go. I was in a shitty apartment building working two jobs to pay for college. Then was a teacher and a bartender to keep paying to have a place to live and eat. Suddenly this guy with loads of money comes into my life, starts dating me, treating me to gifts, tells me to come live with him in his million dollar home. I just wanted to have it easy. I just had to put out with all the shit over years." I explain to him.

"We talked all the time and you never told me. I would've helped you. You could have lived with me." Jerry sighs.

"You had your own things going on. Then you met Denise and I didn't want to be in the way." I explain.

"Apparently you were already in the way without even being there." He rolls his eyes.

"Again, I can understand where she is coming from. It's like your in a serious relationship with me and just dating/hook ups with her. I'd be upset too." I explain to him.

"Wanna know a secret?" He asks me.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I regret breaking up with you." I can't help but laugh a little.

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