2 | An accident

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~ 10 years later ~

"How many times do I have to ask you to do things for me!" My dick of a husband screams at me.

"I always do what you ask! I left home for you! I quit my job for you! I stop talking to my best friends for you!" I scream back at him making him grab my arm hard.

"That last one is a fucking lie! Why is Jerry and Billy still in your phone!" He back hands me across the face before grabbing my phone slamming it on the ground then stomping on it. "I thought you loved me?" He gets upset.

"I do love you." My eyes tear up as I lie to him.

"You can show me when I get back from work baby." He leaves for work and I break down crying. I was trying everything I could do to file for a divorce without him knowing.

"Hello?" I answer the house phone trying to sound like I haven't been crying.

"Parker, honey." It was Jerry's mom.

"Oh, hi." I wipe my tears away.

"I have some bad news. It's Billy... there was an accident." She tells me then lets me know when the funeral is.

"Thank you for letting me know. Of course I'll be there." I hang up the phone and pack to leave.

Once my mom passed away, Jerry's mom took her place keeping up with me over the years and inviting me to family things for holidays. Of course when Rick came into my life I had to stop going to all that stuff. As soon as I finish packing I booked a flight home the same day so I could get out of here. I leave a not just telling Rick that I had a funeral to go to and I'll be back next week and that I love him.

When I get to Oregon, I get a motel room to stay in and make sure to use cash so Rick can't find me at the moment. He would lose his mind and ruin everything. That's why used money I saved up to buy a plane ticket to get here too. The day of the funeral I was looking at pictures and I hear Dan behind me.

"Look at you." He gives me a hug.

"You look so mature." I laugh hugging him.

"Just look at him." We both look at the table of the pictures.

"Dano! Who's the... oh my." Jerry shows up.

"Hey, Jerry." They hug.

"I didn't even recognize you from behind." Jerry stares at me then finally hugs me.

"Because I'm blonde?" I chuckle.

"Yes. Oh, my god, is that Everest?" Jerry sees the photo.

"Yeah. You know Billy. He wasn't afraid of anything." Dan says.

"Did you know he ran with the bulls?" Jerry asks.

"He sent me a postcard from Spain." Dan answers.

"He called me while there." I chuckle.

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