What happened?

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“Well I guess we could start from Hawks and work our way back.” She forced a laugh trying to lighten the mood. I sat down next to her. She looked straight forward, not turning her head to meet my eyes. I’m not the greatest at sympathising with people, I’ll admit. But I’m not gonna let her get away with shouldering everything by herself. Even I have to rant to shity hair and get his help.

“Y/n, what happened?” I lightly grabbed her chin to force her to face me.

“I know he’s right, I’ve had too many close calls to say otherwise. But, I hate how Hawks treated me like some insignificant, weak, little girl. Hell, that’s the whole reason I want to be a hero. To prove that I am strong. That I can protect myself. But mostly that I’m more than just the body sold to the horney public.” Tears started to form in the corners of her eyes as she jerked her head out of my hand to look away from me. I’m assuming she started to cry because I heard sniffling. “It’s actually kinda funny. This has kinda become part of my daily routine, crying myself to sleep.”

My body reacted faster than my mind did.

I turned my body to face her and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into my cest. I wrapped my arms tighter around her stomach and buried my face in her hair. She was stiff at first, shocked by my actions, to be honest, I was too. But then she relaxed into the hug, wrapping her arms around mine and leaning further into my chest. “Well then a new part of your routine is going to be me staying in here with you while you cry it out.” I get crying once in a while, getting everything out like that is good for you. But everyday. That’s unhealthy. 

I looked up and she turned in my arms to face me a little more. She curled up in a ball and grabbed onto my t-shirt as she buried her face into my chest. She laid her tail in a circle around us, and when I looked down I saw her eyes closed. She was so cute when she slept. So peaceful. I played with her ears for a minute, thinking about random things, when my train of thought was disrupted by the cutest sound I’d ever heard. A soft, purring coming from Y/n. I smiled to myself and looked down at her hands that still had a death grip on my shirt. I wasn’t going anywhere without waking her and I didn’t want to do that again so I laid us down in her bed with my arms wrapped around her. I soon fell asleep to the sound of her purring. 

Your pov

My mom was suddenly in my dorm. I don’t know how she got there, but she did. And Bakugou had left as well. “Mom, what are you...?”

“Who was the boy that was in here?” She interrupted. “There was a boy in here. I made him leave. But who was he?”

“He’s the guy I modeled with. I thought you liked those shots, and the chemistry we had. You told the photographer that anyway.” I said.

“Alright, but I need you two to model together. If this ends badly I don’t wanna hear it. I smell a big profit from having him in your shots and I will not let your emotions ruin it.” She sneered. “Do you understand?”

“We aren’t even together.” I mumbled.

“Do you understand?” She said more firmly.

“Yeah.” I mumbled.

“Do not mumble.” She said, stepping closer to me.

“Yes!” I said, raising my voice.

“DO NOT YELL AT ME!” She slapped me.

My eyes snapped open as I gasped.

“Y/n? Wha- what’s wrong?” Thank god, Bakugou is still here. It was just a dream. 

“Bad dream.” I shook my head trying to forget it.

He sat up enough to meet my eyes, resting most of his weight on his arm. “What about?”

“It’s nothing.” I smiled, but my heart was still racing.

Bakugou pov

“It’s obviously something to wake you up this suddenly.” I pressed.

“It’s nothing out of the ordinary. I just thought it was real, not like it hasn’t happened.” She giggled. “You should go so I don’t wake you up again.”

“I’m not leaving until you tell me what your dream was.” She’s obviously hiding something. Even when she was talking to me earlier, she was holding back some information. Like why she needed to prove herself. And who she needed to protect herself against, besides men. 

“Then you’ll be here for quite a bit.” She pouted and laid down facing away from me. 

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back into my chest. “If you’re going to be this stubborn I might as well go back to sleep.” I heard her sigh but I didn’t actually fall asleep. I just stayed very quiet. Eventually I heard her start to purr, signalling she had fallen asleep and wasn’t going to tell me her dream any time tonight. So I went to sleep as well.

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