He wants me

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When I finished putting my clothes back on, my manager approached me with her dreaded clipboard. I call it that because anytime I see it I end up either with a lecture or the things I did wrong, or new twisted ideas they want to try out.

"Y/n, there you are, I was going to try and catch you before the shoot since I'm not allowed in the room but oh well." Oddly enough I was not the one who kicked her from the shooting room, Enji, the photographer was. And boy do I love him for it. She was always trying to change the shoot and make the models do some really unsettling things, so Enji claimed she was ruining his vision and kicked her out. "Anyway, since you and Mr Bakugo go to school together, and live in the dorms together, I want you to have practice sex with him.

"I'm sorry you want me to what with him!?" I've been made to do a lot of things for this job but never actually have sex. I always wanted my first time to mean something, not be for work.

"Oh no not actually have sex, well not if you don't want to, it would definitely help though so if you could talk to him..." So only if he doesn't want to, after all he has say with his contract. Glad to know my manager cares about me too. "But I meant you should teach him the basic positions that will be used. Things he can do individually, and with you as well as build some chemistry. After all, his shots will only be with you while we introduce him. It's the only way to really avoid backlash." She laughed nervously.

"What about our jealous readers?" I pushed. I have some really hardcore 'fans' who do some crazy things. I've tried to get them to stop but my manager says they bring in the most money so as long as they don't 'ruin the merchandise' (aka my body), I can't do anything about it.

"You'll still have your solo pictures, and research suggests it allows them to imagine themselves in the guy's role more easily. Plus Mr Bakugou is training to be a hero, he can protect himself." She smiled.

I was about to yell at her for putting Bakugou in danger but his voice brought me out of it. "Are you coming or what?"

I turned around to answer but my manager spoke for me. "She'll be out in a minute. I have to give her her outfit for the next shoot for her to try on at your dorms. You already have yours so you can go on ahead."

"Tch" Bakugou rolled his eyes and adjusted the box tucked under his arm before walking out of the studio.

"Remember Ms L/n, your contract gives this company complete control over you. You're lucky you've been allowed to go to that school, don't push it." She sneered as she shoved my box into my arms. "Now go, you've got a lot of poses to try tomorrow."

I glared at her as I turned and made my way to the door where I saw Katsuki and Hawks talking to each other.

Bakugou pov

I left the studio and made my way across the street to lean on a wall nearby as I waited for Y/n and checked my phone. Before I got there though, Hawks appeared.

"You better not be leaving her here by herself." Hawks landed in front of me.

He was really starting to get on my nerves. "I was on my way to that wall to wait for her. So move out of my way fuckface."

"Is that anyway to talk to the number 2 hero?" He gave me a smirk that made me want to punch him even more.

"Why do you care so much anyway? You're always around so you can swoop in when you need to." I rolled my eyes.

"Listen kid, when you become a pro you'll understand. She used to walk home at the same time as I patrolled that area when I was starting up, we'd talk a lot and I grew close to the kid, I'm protective of her in a way an older brother would be." He sighed, "just don't leave her alone for too long, there are some bad people in her life."

With that hawks flew off and Y/n appeared from behind the studio doors. "What did Hawks want?"

"Just to make sure I wasn't leaving your ass here." I scoffed as we started the walk back to UA.

"Were you going to?" She sounded genuinely concerned so I looked over to her.

She usually looks straight ahead when we're talking, but now she was looking up at me, patiently waiting for my answer. "No." I rolled my eyes, "of course not, then who would I talk to?" Her face lit up for a moment and she looked back ahead and we walked for a bit lost in our own thoughts. I peaked down at her face periodically and it was starting to fall back into a pout and I wondered what was on her mind, but I was also wondering what Hawks meant by there were bad people in her life. I know she's got some weirdo fans but I don't think they're IN her life like that. "Hey Hawks told me-"

"Oh by the way we have homework." We said at the same time. "Sorry, what were you going to say?"

"Nothing, it was just small talk." I lied.

"Ah. I've never really been a fan of small talk to be honest, I only use it for people I really don't like. You shouldn't need small talk with your friends in my opinion, the silence is either comfortable or the conversation flows so easily there isn't any silence." She told me. "Anyway, my manager wants us to, uh, practice."

I raised my brow. "What do you mean 'practice'?"

"She wants me to teach you the basic positions and poses that we always use, as well as find some partner ones that work for us and 'work on our chemistry'." She put air quotes around the last bit and the rest of her words faded to a mumble. "Although I don't think we need to, our shots are really hot."

Your pov

"I can think of one way we can practice." His voice dropped to a seductive tone and my face went bright pink to match the tips of my ears and tail.

I wonder though if he got the same talk from a manager and was just doing it for work. So I tried to play it innocently. "What-what do you mean by that?"

"Don't play innocent with me, I've never been a big fan of those pages." He stopped walking and grabbed me by the back of the neck, tilting my head up to his until our lips were only inches apart.

"Alright then," I switched tones. I don't think he got this from a manager, I could see it in his eyes, this was all him. "What did you have in mind?"

He moved his head so his lips were right next to my ear. "Why don't we get back to the dorms and I'll show you?"


Sorry it's been so long since I uptdated, school got kind of crazy but I'm back now and will hopefully be able to update regularly. If not please don't hold that against me I'm and engineering student with a lot of homework but I'd like to dedicate this chaper to @bakudekushipper1230 because it was actually their comments and message that got me into writting this again. So thank you so much.

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