A villian was the highlight of my day?

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The day went on and I spent a majority of my time with Bakugou, since it was my last night before classes picked up tomorrow, the studio called me in to get some extra shots in case I’m ever unable to provide enough due to school. I think it was my mom’s way of showing me I can’t do both, but honestly, I really don’t care. I will become a hero and show everyone I am strong.

They didn’t call Bakugou but he insisted on joining me to make sure I was safe. Bakugou was going off about ‘Deku the damned nerd’ as we walked when my phone started to ring. It was an unknown number so I didn’t answer. When it called a second time I picked up. “Hello beautiful.”

I rolled my eyes and hung up on the raspy voice, thinking it was some deranged fan who somehow managed to get my number. “I guess it's time to change numbers again.” I sighed.

“Who was that?”  Bakugou asked me.

“Just some crazed fan. It happens every couple months, someone manages to get my number so I have to change it.” I shrugged.

Then Bakugou’s phone rang. He answered it and was quiet for a moment, listening to the person on the phone. “Why the fuck would I do that!?” A hooded figure stepped out in front of us with a phone raised to his ear. The figure hung up and at the same time I heard the dial tone of Bakugou’s phone, the person on the phone had also hung up. Because he was standing right in front of us.

The figure removed his hood to show spiky black hair that rivaled Bakugou’s, a heavily scarred face that looked like it was being held together with staples, and bright blue eyes exactly like Todoroki’s fire side. “Katsuki Bakugou, fancy seeing you again.”

It was the same raspy voice from the phone. “What do you want, Dabi? I already told you I won’t join the league.” Bakugou got into a fighting stance.

“Hate to hurt your ego, but I’m not here for you.” Dabi started walking forward, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Toga has taken a liking to your girl here’s pictures. Shigaraki is trying to avoid chaos by just giving her what she wants so I had to be the little errand boy and retrieve her.”

“Like hell you will!” Explosions started coming from Katsuki’s hands.

“You don’t have a choice.” Dabi explained and blue flames surrounded Bakugou in an instant. A hand wrapped around my neck and I grabbed onto the arm, deploying my claws straight into his skin. Dabi let go in shock and I tried to run but then I heard Bakugou’s screams. “If you want him to live you better come quietly.” Dabi’s raspy voice stopped me in my tracks.

I turned around slowly. “You swear you’ll let him go, alive?”

“Cross my heart and hope to die.” Dabi grinned and did the childish motion of crossing his heart and putting his hands up in surrender.

I walked over to him and when Dabi had wrapped an arm around me, the flames around Bakugou extinguished. He was burnt up, but alive, recovery girl could help him. I saw him on the ground, angry and defeated, with one arm raised out to me. I knew if I went back to him he would only be hurt worse, so I turned my head forward and followed Dabi into the shadows. “That's a good girl.” Dabi’s raspy voice cooed as I hung my head low. What kind of hero would I be if I couldn’t even save my, what even is he? Boyfriend? No, he never asked me out. Fuck buddy? No, we do have some sort of emotional connection. I couldn’t even save my situationship.

“Who exactly did you say I was to see?” I tried to make small talk with him as we walked.

“Toga.” He answered bluntly.

“And they are?” He rolled his eyes at me.

“She’s a bloodthirsty psycho who falls in love with people and cuts them up.” He groaned. “It’s a real pain to clean up, think you could try to only bleed in one area of the room? It helps if you stay still.”

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