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Your pov

Once I cleared my tears and composed myself I checked my phone to see a text from my manager.

Come with the boy, we want to test angles with him, you’ll be in most of his photos. Bring Last shot's clothes.

“Fuck.” I mumbled as I checked when he sent that. 48 minutes ago. I grabbed the lingerie and bolted out the door.

As I ran down the stairs I tripped over Mineta and went flying into the common room. Everyone watched as I landed on my face at Kaminari’s feet, having dropped my lingerie mid fall.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Kaminari laughed as he helped me up.

“And with…Uh…These?” Kirishima handed me the lingerie, both our faces were bright pink.

“I’ll explain later if you want, but for now I’m really late.” I started walking backwards to the door.

“Wait!” Deku ran up to me. “I thought Hawks said you shouldn’t go alone?”

“Yeah but I’m really late, and Katsuki’s already there so… bye!” I got to the door and started sprinting. I heard Iida yell something about an umbrella but I was too focused on reaching the front gate to care. Once I got there I realized why he said that, it was pouring.

I stood there for a moment, contemplating what to do. They would kill me if I showed up with myself and the lingerie all wet. But they’re already going to kill me for being late. Then I heard footsteps running up to me from behind and I froze. Maybe I shouldn’t have run out here alone.

“Y/N! WAIT UP!” I turned around to see bright yellow hair chasing after me. When he caught up he put his hands on his knees panting. “Damn you’re fast.”

“Part of my quirk.” I forced a quick laugh.

“You’re going to shoot right?” He asked.

“Right, you know about that.” I sighed.

“I’m not here to be a bother, just wanted to give you this.” Kaminari held out an umbrella and rubbed the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly. “I know cats don’t usually like water, so here.”

“Thank you so much Kaminari.” I grabbed the umbrella and turned to start running again when I felt a hand on my wrist not letting me go. “Kaminari, I’m really sorry but I’m so late right now, I really have to go.”

“Not before you answer a question.” I rolled my eyes. “Look me in the eyes.” I did as he asked, waiting for him to ask. He slid his hand from my wrist to gently hold my hand and grabbed my other the same way. “Are you ok? You have tear stains.” He moved one hand to cup my cheek and whip them away. “Fresh ones at that.”

I leaned into his touch a bit. “I’m fine, I promise.” I smiled at him and he released me. 

“I thought you were going to be late. Go!” I laughed and opened the umbrella to start running. 

“Sorry I’m late!” I yelled as I burst into the studio.

“Late and completely unprepared.” The photographer sighed.

“Sorry Eji.” I ran to the dressing rooms and threw on my black set of lingerie.

When I walked back out to where the photographer was I saw he had three different backgrounds set up. A plain brown chair with chains hanging from it, a four poster, wood, bed, with black silk sheets, and the chains that hang from the ceiling. 

“It’s actually alright that you’re late, we got some good individual shots of him. Now it's your turn to work together. I think him exclusively working with you will help our readers accept him considering they love all your shots no matter what they are.” I nodded.  “Alright let’s get started. I want to start at the chair.”

The photographer walked us through the photoshoot. We started with Bakugou in just boxers and me sitting on his right thigh, my right leg hooked around his left and my left extended in the air while the photographer made him do a couple odd moves. We cupped eachother’s faces with a caring look, he licked up my extended leg as my head hung back. I don’t enjoy these overly kinky photos, they just seem odd to me, but our readers love it. The last thing we did in this position was have my bra taken off and Bakugou sucked my right nipple as I grabbed at his hair.

“Good bakugou, I need you to work on expressing more hunger in your eyes.” I got off Bakugou momentarily before proceeding to straddle him as he again sucked and played with my boobs.

The last thing we did with the chair was have me chained with my hands behind my back and no panties (bra back on) with bakugou on his knees in front of me holding my thighs open with his head close to my pussy. 

We did some more basic bed photos with him pinning me down or me straddling him. I had done things like that 1,000 times before so I just spaced out while making sure I still had the right expressions, mischief, blush, pleasure, shock, all the usual. It was the chains I was nervous for. I hated those things.

When it was time for the chains the photographer helped me get into the harness and wrapped me up in chains, hanging horizontally, upside down, 3 ½ feet off the ground. 

Bakugou and the photographer stepped out of the room for a minute and I was starting to get impatient. “All the blood is rushing to my head, so if you want some decent pictures I suggest hurrying up!” Bakugou stepped back into the room completely naked and hard. My eyes widened as I realized what the photographer wanted. “Isn’t this a bit much.”

“Bakugou has just agreed to it, and unfortunately your contract doesn’t give you much of a choice Ms L/n.” I sighed in response to the photographer.

Bakugou came and stood right in front of me, me level with his dick and I sighed putting on my ‘deranged’ face. I smiled wide, opened my mouth, showing my fangs, and opened my eyes as wide as I could and filled them with crazy. I licked up Kastuki’s dick as the photographer took the shots.

“Perfect!” The photographer said and went to the back room with his camera. Leaving me upside down, completely helpless.

Bakugou went to put his clothes back on, but realizing there was no way I was getting out of this myself I started yelling for him. “BAKUGOU! HELP ME! KATSUKI! I’M STUCK!”

A half dressed bakugou walked back into my view. “Jez I was 10 feet away, no need to yell.” He started to undo my chains as I laughed.

“I’m sorry, you’re telling me that!?” He rolled his eyes, letting go of the harness, letting me drop, face first, onto the floor. “OW! That hurt!”

He scoffed and went to put his clothes back on and I did the same.

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