- Keiko x female reader -

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To start it off, here's a wlw!

How it works is like daku gave up on keiko a bit after they had Yasu

Probably will have part 2, I'm just tired rn


You were walking to the store to get some groceries, you were a ordinary cafe worker, you were alone though. You still had that old, burnt photo of your parents in that special frame your grandma got you for your 8th birthday. She told you to take great care of it for it had a "special jewel" in it that you would find love. You never believed her nonsense.

You entered the store and looked for tea bags, whatever you found you put in a small bag you brought with you. You heard the door open and looked behind you, it was a woman with long black hair and her son that you assumed to be below 7.

You looked way to avoid suspicion and continued to look for tea bags, why? Of course for the cafe. You decided to get some food for you at home so you would at least not starve. You reached the frozen foods aisle and felt a light tap on your shoulder.

You looked behind you, you saw the lady from earlier that walked in the store. "Sorry to bother, but do you know where the tea bags are?" She asked you. "Oh, yeah! I was just over there, follow me!" You replied, she smiled at you and you smiled back. Her son, was not looking at any of you, he was paying attention to a Maneki-Neko on a shelf, waving its paw like it wanted him to go to it.

You held her hand and saw her slightly shiver, but she relaxed a bit later as you walked her to the tea bags. "Oh, thank you very much!" She said, you nodded. "Your welcome!" "May I ask what your name is?" She asked. "Oh, it's /name/!" You replied. "I'm Keiko, well, you should be going now, right?" You remembered. "Oh yeah, see you!"

She watched as you walked to the end of the store where the frozen foods were, her son pointed to the herbal tea bags, but she was focusing on /name./ She shook her head, but she was a bit confused on why she asked you, a stranger for your name? She looked at her son and nodded to him.


It was another boring Tuesday morning, you got up and brushed your messy hair, gosh, how did it get this way? Mostly unconcerned, you got up to the bathroom and brushed your hair. After a while of getting ready, you got your bag and drove over to the cafe.

The bell that always ringed when the cafe door opened ringed in a calm tune, you were so used to the bell that it was invisible to you, you got into the staff bathroom and put your apron on, you looked in the mirror. You thought you looked decent so you walked back into the main room.

The bell rung again, you saw her again, that lady from the store. No, wait, her name was Keiko, wasn't it? You waved to her with a smile. "Hah, what a coincidence!" You said to her, she nodded. "Mhm." She replied

You took her order and went to prepare her drink. She watched you from behind, it was like the only thing left was you, she shook her head, surprised on how she fell in love again a while after she just had lost her past lover. She head a slight tap on the counter which shook her.

"Oh, here's your drink!" She had heard you say. She looked up at you and smiled. "Thank you, /name./ I appreciate it." "Ah, no worries!" She paid and took her drink, waving bye to you with a slight smile.

You watched as she walked out the door, you couldn't resist her, ok. Now your catching feelings? You thought about that frame, no, it was like.. From 10+ years ago. Still, you had to be shook from one of your co-workers to pay attention.

the mimic WLW (non male x non male!!) oneshot bookWhere stories live. Discover now