- yandere shizu x female reader -

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sculptor gets no love ☹︎

so like, you and shizu are "friends" and whenever you get new friends, they suddenly disappear, later, she makes a sculptor but little did you know the org4ns of your dead friends lay inside it and you found out when the sculptor accidentally drops and breaks

btw 99% of the the mimic females are lesbian cuz I said so❤︎/hj

TW: blood, gore, murder and a emo sculptor/hj

You sat there, in a wooden chair at your friend, Shizu's place. She was planning to make a sculpture out of something, something you didn't know what it was. She asked you to come to her place for some reason, the only information was that her sculpture would take 1-3 months, but why she called you here was unknown.

"Why am I here exactly?" You'd ask, but she would reply in a hum and continue sketching, only confusing you more. You sat there, growing impatient, you had an urge to get up or at least move. You got onto your feet and she snapped. "Sit down!" She yelled at you.

She saw you staring at you, shocked, she realized she had yelled at you and looked down at the floor, disappointed in her self. "I apologize for yelling at you.." She said calmly, you sighed. "It's fine." You took a seat again and she did too. She placed her pencil on the paper and kept it there, at the same spot.

You looked away and back at her constantly, nervous, she sighed and put the pencil down. "You can leave." She said in a monotone. You stood up and waved, she didn't bother to look at you which made you a bit sad.

She stood there, after hearing you close the door she went into the other room, looking at a photo of you. She looked out the window and saw you talking with a friend of yours, she felt envious but sighed and held it in, she sat down on a chair, humming to herself.

But she couldn't help but stare at the unknown friend talk to you, shouldn't you talk to her? She was jealous, envious that you paid more attention to someone else than her. She shook her head to snap herself out of her jealousy.


The next day, your friend that you had encountered yesterday had suddenly disappeared, when you asked people in the village, everyone shook their heads or shrugged. You sighed, the final person to ask was your close friend, Shizu.

You walked to her place and stood at the door, you took a deep breath and knocked once, you heard someone rummage through things and heard the noise stop. You knocked again and still, nobody answered. You shrugged and walked away.

Then, you heard her open the door, you turned and walked to her. "Oh, hey Shizu!" You said brightly, she smiled, "Hello, /name/." She said, she allowed you to come into her house and she closed the door. "So, you know the guy I was talking to while I came out your house? Do you have an idea where he is?" You asked.

She looked away for a bit, you noticed her sweat a bit before shaking her head and looking directly at you. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen them after you spoke to them." She said, you sighed. "It's fine.." You stood up to leave but she grabbed you wrist. "I-I can make you some tea to help you feel better if that's alright?"

You looked at her and smiled. "Sure!" You said, she smiled and let go of your wrist and walked over to the kitchen. You sat down, watching her make some tea for you and her. You "liked" how her long hair moved as she walked around. Your stared at her until she turned to you.

You slightly gasped and turned away, a bit embarrassed, she felt nervous after seeing you look away, was something wrong, she shook her head once again and walked towards you with two cups of tea, she gave you one and sat next to you.

"So, your friend disappeared suddenly?" She asked, you nodded. "Yeah, it was so weird, it's like they got kidnapped or something!" You said. She nodded. Although she knew the reason why your friend disappeared, she didn't tell you.

"Oh, I have to get going, it seems as if it's almost night, see you, Shizu!" You left the tea on the table and ran towards Shizu to hug her, she was surprised, now feeling highly flustered, she looked away, hugging you also before you ran off, waving goodbye.

She looked at her feet, you hugged her, out of all people. Her. She couldn't help but smile, she got up and returned to her room, she stared at your dead friend, their organs all over the place, she closed the door, locking it. She smiled while laughing, knowing you would never know the reason why your friends would disappear. "Oh, she'd be so sad to find out what is inside it! And if I allow it to break, I can see her face, trembling in fear."

The cycle of your friends disappearing continued, every time Shizu would talk to you and see you talk with one of your friends, they would disappear overnight, but you never suspected her to be the cause of it, she was your closest and best of friends, how would she be the cause of it?

But that all changed when she finished her sculpture, she had said it was hollow so it was highly fragile. She invited you over to see her finished sculpture.

"Wow Shizu, it looks amazing!" You said after seeing it, it was a sculpture of you! Of course you had to be happy, she smiled. "Thank you, /name/." You smiled at her. She smiled back, she was happy you enjoyed it, she just hoped it would never fall down and shatter like a doll's porcelain, white body.

You admired it, she made you look pretty in every way possible. "Oh, I have to get something." Shizu said, she waved to you before walking out the door and closing it. You turned to the sculpture, it started to wobble, but it was wobbling when you turned to the window to see where Shizu was going.

You heard something shatter loudly, in horror, you turned to see the "hollow" sculpture in pieces, but the most horrifying thing was the organs and blood that had came out of it, you covered your mouth and heard the door opening, closing and locking. You turned to see Shizu, once again.

She smiled, seeing your face, horrified and scared. "Shizu.. How could you do this? Were you the reason why they had all disappeared!?" You asked, raising your voice. "It was simply jealousy, but my jealousy now allows us to be together forever."

You took a step back before freezing in place, you were devastated, your closest friend which you had to admit, had a crush on killed your friends for a sculpture just for it to break and to see you in fear.

"I would of kidnapped you or stole you some other way, but to see you in here in fear is enjoying.." She said. She walked towards you and placed her fingers under your chin, holding it up for you to look at her directly. You wanted to run but you knew there would be nowhere to run.

You were standing there still until she kissed you, although you enjoyed it you pushed her away, causing you to trip on the pieces of the sculpture, she took the time to pin you to the floor. "But don't you want to be with me? You know, a killer isn't a killer if they don't over hear on your conversations..."

She held your wrists down on the wooden floor, watching you attempt to get out her grip. She wanted to be with you forever, she held you in that place for a bit before hugging you.

"You can't escape me, it's only for your own 'good.'


I love the The Mimic women oh my gosh

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