- yandere megumi x female reader -

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The library lady going crazy for reader real!? 📸

help I love her

also might do another enzukai cuz yk... 😳😳

CW/TW: kidnapping, obsessive behavior, mentions of s3x fantasies


You were a ordinary reader, you loved to read books about tales, myths, fantasy and almost everything that was available. Everyday, you would go to the library in search for a good book, and Megumi was always there, waiting for you, talking with you, helping you find a book, and hiding things from you.

"Hey, /name/. Can you come with me for a bit?" She asked you, curious on what she wanted you for, you replied, "Sure!" She held your hand gently, leading you somewhere, you didn't know where you guys were going, but you tried to keep your anxiety to yourself. She led you to what seemed to be a cave.

"So, what is it?" You asked. She looked away. "Hey, are you al-" You were cut off as she pulled you into a kiss. You were surprised she kissed you, although you felt the same way, you began to feel weird, you vision faded as she pulled away, the last thing you saw was a smirk on her face.

(third person pov)

She stared at your body on the ground. She picked you up and carried you somewhere, she met a door, she pulled a key from her pocket and put it in the hole, turning it. The door became loose, being able to be pulled on to open.

She made sure nobody was around before locking it, now, where was that room again? "Did I forget again?" She said, making sure not to wake you up, she took a right and found a chair, there it was.

Tying it, she stare at your body, gosh, she thought you were so cute, she wanted to kiss you again but it would probably wake you up, so she left you be, walking out the room.

(now your pov)

You woke up to be tied to a wooden chair, the room you were in was clean with wood as the floor and walls. "Who's there?" You yelled out, you squirmed, trying to escape the rope until she came in and closed the door.

"So your finally awake, huh?" She said, walking closer to you, her fingers under her chin. "Hey, what did you do to me..?" You asked her, trembling in fear.

She saw how scared you were so she patted you on the head. "Don't worr-" she was cut off by your attempt to bite her, she jumped back, staring at you in disgust but quickly changed her attitude.

"Don't worry? You tied me up on a chair!" You yelled at her, she frowned. "I thought you liked me, didn't you think about me all the time?" She said with a smirk, hold your chin up with her fingers, forcing you to look at her.

Your eyes widen and struggled to look away, flustered. "Aw, embarrassed, aren't we?" She teased you. "Shut up!" You yelled at her again, she held your shoulder, clenching onto it, leaving a mark that almost bled through your sleeve.

You yelled in agony and tried to pull away from her, she noticed what she was doing and backed up. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm-" "Just SHUT UP!" You yelled at her. She stared at you then smirked.

"If your mad maybe this will help.." She gave you small kiss on the cheek and you looked away, flustered, she chuckled. "Your cute when your embarrassed, ya know?" She said. It didn't help.

She walked out, waving goodbye. And you were left with your mind, body, and feelings.


im drinking soda

I hate my dad

the mimic WLW (non male x non male!!) oneshot bookWhere stories live. Discover now