- yandere sama x reader PT3 -

911 12 8

I swear if this isn't the last part I will kms-
made this at like 7 am 😍✌🏼

Tw: death, heavy obsession, yandere stuff, idk, SAMA 😍😍😍 also vomit and blood yeah

alr so Kaeda commits kintoru and yeah, that's about it 🧍‍♀️

I forgot who requested this now


After that day, you and Kaeda became closer, you weren't sure if you'd date each other or get together but you liked it how it was, you and her, sitting in the middle of beautiful tulips and flowers. Kissing, hugging, chatting, laughing. I mean, you won't mind if this stays the same, right? Of course! It won't bother you if you two didn't date or anything, just do the same routine, right?

You had completely forgot about how everyone absolutely hated you until one day, a little child was following you. You were walking to you and Kaeda's meeting spot as usual until you heard soft footsteps behind you. You stopped and turned to see a little boy, around 5-8. He was holding a wooden doll that looked like a miniature mannequin.

"Do you need something?" You asked politely. He rolled his eyes. "You may think nobody will be rude to you anymore but I think your a dumbo!" He said, you fully turned to him, resisting the urge to tackle him. "I beg your pardon.." "Your also ugly!" He yelled out, multiple people heard, you felt like crying but didn't. He was just a kid anyways, right?

You rolled your eyes and walked away, you wouldn't let this kid ruin a day with Kaeda. You entered the garden and saw that it was empty, you obviously thought it would be one of her little games again, she'd surprise you and you'd laugh, kiss, and talk, but she didn't show up. You decided to wait for her and sit down, admiring the smell of the flowers.

A few hours had passed, but she still didn't arrive. Did she find someone else? Does she not love me anymore? Did she leave me? Did she hate me secretly? So many thoughts raced through your head, but you knew it was getting late, so you got up and reluctantly left the garden. As you were walking home, you felt someone watching you from the shadows.

While walking to your house, you accidentally went in a circle, leading you back to the tulip garden. This time, there was blood trailing into the garden. You took a step back, slowly panicking. Was Kaeda hurt? Was Kaeda dead? Is she ok? What happened? Is Kaeda still alive? You thought. You slowly walked towards the entrance, what you saw next surpassed any kind of horror you'd feel.

You covered your mouth, hyperventilating. No.. this couldn't be happening! You saw Kaeda herself, holding the child that made fun of you by the ankle, looking at the flowers in the tulip garden. She seemed unmoved, until she finally heard your muffled breaths. She turned her head to you, the look on her face was not the Kaeda you loved and knew.

Her dull mouth soon turned into a maniacal smile, and then suddenly, you felt your head throb and hurt and you fell onto the floor. Seeing blood drain from a  cut in your head.


You slowly began to open your eyes, seeing the ceiling of your house. Was that a dream? Were you just fever dreaming? You slowly sat up and rubbed your head, you felt bandages on the side of your head, your eyes widened in shock. You hurried to the bathroom to look at the mirror, you saw white bandages wrapped around the top side of your head, slowly unwrapping them, it showed an ugly scar, looking like it was caused by a rock.

You tried to remember what happened the day before.. Kaeda didn't show up. A kid made fun of you. You stay there for a while, you leave and come back and you see Kaeda, having killed an innocent child. Finally, you remembered! You remember your head hurting and throbbing before collapsing and seeing blood, but who could've hit you with a rock?

You don't remember anyone following you... The kid was dead..


Racing outside, in horror, you saw blood splattered all over the place, bodies were scattered all over the place and you had to resist the temptation to vomit right on the spot. You stumbled outside your house, trembling in fear, you saw a tall lady with a long, black hat and sharp nails hold up one of your previous enemies, you realized who it was. Your beloved Kaeda.

Her eyes turned to you, her gritted teeth turned into that same maniacal smile from yesterday at the garden, she began to choke your previous enemy, you covered your mouth and began to hyperventilate. No.. this isn't happening... You thought, watching as "Kaeda"'s claws stabbed into their throat, blood draining from their throat.

She finally dropped them and they fell to the floor, splashing onto the pool of blood. "Kaeda" slowly began walking towards you, you on the other hand, were to shocked and afraid to move. She reached out her hand to put her finger under your chin but you suddenly got an adrenaline rush. You turned around and ran off into the woods, not looking back from that horrifying scene.

You ran as deep as you could into the forest until the lanterns that were guiding the path stopped. You heard her behind you so you quickly hid behind a tree, covering your mouth to muffle your breathing. "/NAME/, WHERE ARE YOU?" You heard her yell out. You closed your eyes, frightened. Who knew she could yell so loudly but so sweetly.

"Please..." She said in a lower tone. You loved her so much you felt like turning yourself in and kissing her, but you knew better. "/Name/... Come out darling.." She said again. She said it so sadly and so sweetly you felt bad for her, you slowly lowered your hands, getting tired of keeping them up anymore. You opened your eyes and if you could lose your soul to something that scared you so bad, you'd drop dead.

"Found you."

She said, holding your chin up. She smirked and you looked at her, trembling. She seemed amused by your fear, assuming that because she got closer to you. "Aw? Cat got your tongue?" She asked playfully. You gritted your teeth. You knew you shouldn't get mad at the person that made you feel happy, but you did anyways.

"Why are you doing this!? I thought you loved me!" You yelled at her. She looked surprised and hurt at first, but she returned to that same smirk. She got closer and closer before she kissed you, at this point, you were too traumatized to do anything else. She moved away from the kissed.

"I'm doing this because I love you."


let's ignore that she's 15 feet tall

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