21. jason wrecks a perfectly good mountain

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It turns out to not be such a huge deal that I can't get to Jason in time because Leo does.

"Heads up!" he yells seconds before slamming a large black metal wedge into Enceladus. The force knocks the giant back and he falls into the pit. I know it's not the end by any means, but I still feel a rush of relief at the sight.

Piper reaches Jason just before I do. "Jason, get up!"

He sits up. Piper and I help him to his feet.

"Don't you dare die on me," I growl at him, forcing my sword into his hand. Perks of having two — you can loan one out to a weaponless friend. "I just got you back, and I'm not letting you get away ever again."

He manages a dopey smile. "Yes, ma'am." Despite everything going on around us, my heart skips a beat and I can't help but smile back. He's such a dork. I want to kiss him so bad.

I glance behind us to see Leo standing over...something that is clearly used in construction but I have no idea what it is exactly. It looks a little like a cannon, and it has a single massive piston with the edge broken clean off. The other end is lodged in Enceladus's breastplate. And yet, despite the fucking ax blade in his chest, he pulls it free with another ground-shaking yell and gets to his feet.

"Good try," the giant commends us, bending down to retrieve his spear. "But I cannot be beaten."

Before our very eyes, his armor mends itself, and the golden ichor pouring from his wound stops.

"Oh, that is so not fair," I whine.

Leo runs up to us, takes one look at the giant, and scowls. "Oh, for fuck's sake. What is it with this guy? Die, already!"

I throw my hands up, exasperated. "I know, right?"

"My fate is preordained," Enceladus says. "Giants cannot be killed by gods or heroes."

"Only by both," Jason says. Enceladus's smile falters. He looks almost...afraid? Good. Jason straightens up slightly. "It's true, isn't it? Gods and demigods have to work together to kill you."

"You will not live long enough to try!" Enceladus tries to climb up the crater's slope, but he keeps slipping on the glassy sides. It would be far more amusing if the world wasn't at stake.

Leo sighs. "Anyone have a god handy?"

"Leo," Jason says, "if you've got a rope in that tool belt, get it ready."

Then he leaps at the giant with nothing but my sword. My heart drops into my stomach and I have to clamp my hands over my mouth to stop myself from screeching.

"Enceladus!" Piper yells. "Look behind you!"

Her charmspeak works wonders.

"What?" Enceladus spins around.

Jason tackles his legs and the two of them slide to the bottom of the crater. Piper, Leo, and I watch anxiously as Jason puts his arms around the giant's neck and stabs my sword just under his left ear. Enceladus howls and struggles to his feet with Jason riding his shoulders.

"Get off!" Enceladus whines. He tries to grab Jason's legs, but Jason's had a second wind. He's climbing all over the giant's hair, evading his hands. I reach for Piper's hand as the sun disappears behind a rapid onset of storm clouds. 

"Hit the deck!" Jason yells up to us.

We don't argue. The lightning bolt stains the back of my eyelids and raises every hair on my body. When it seems safe to stand, we stumble to our feet and prepare the rope. My eyes widen at the sight of the crater cracking open. The mountain's been split by the lightning bolt. Jason's slipping down the side of the crater, and Enceladus's legs are sliding into the chasm as the earth tears apart. The giant manages to grab the edge of the pit.

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