7. waiting and wailing, whining and waning

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We watch Jason, Piper, Zethes, and Khione disappear up the stairs.

"So..." Leo drawls. "What do you guys want to talk about?"

Cal grunts, "Smell fire."

"Why don't we get you cleaned up, Leo?" I suggest. Maybe if Leo isn't covered in motor oil, Cal won't be so eager to kill him. I turn to Cal, smiling politely. "Do you have a bathroom we could use?"

Leo's eyebrows shoot into his hairline, but Cal nods begrudgingly. "Follow me." Leo grabs Festus by the handle and we follow Cal down the corridor. He grinds to a halt outside a random door that looks like every other door. He points to the door. Leo is frozen in place, so I go and open the door. It's a bathroom covered in ice, but it will have to do.

"Thank you, Cal," I say. I look Leo over. Even if he washes up, his clothes will still reek. "Cal, do you have a laundry room?" Cal nods.

"Perfect!" I exclaim. I shove Leo into the bathroom. "Take your clothes off. I'll throw them in the laundry while you wash up."

Leo just stands there. "You want me to take my clothes off? In the ice palace?" Cal makes a noise like he just had a great idea. He slumbers down the hallway, opens a door, and pulls out a white robe. He trudges back over to us and throws the robe in Leo's face.

"That's perfect Cal, thank you so much," I gush. I narrow my eyes at Leo. "Get moving. We don't have all day." I close the door to give him a sense of privacy. A minute later, the door opens partially and Leo hands me his clothes. The door closes again and Cal guides me to the room where he got the robe. I had assumed it was a closet, but it's a laundry room. I throw Leo's clothes in the washer and do a silent prayer that I can clean them and get them dry in time for us to leave.

God of laundry, if you exist, please help a girl out.

Cal grunts behind me. I turn around to face him. He seems less trigger-happy. Maybe we can have something close to a proper conversation. I smile. "This is a very nice place you have, Cal. So, what hockey team do you like?"

Cal stares at me dumbfounded for a minute or two before replying, "Hockey." Okay then. I rap my nails on the top of the washer. Maybe we could just stand here in silence? No, my ADHD won't allow it. Time for attempt #2.

"You like pizza, right?" I ask. He nods. "I like pizza too. What kind of toppings do you like?"

"Cheese," Cal answers enthusiastically.

I laugh, leaning against the washer. "Yeah, cheese is the best topping." I bite my bottom lip. Ever since entering camp, I've been Miss Doom and Gloom, Little Miss Cynical. Percy once said I was the rain before the rainbow. But today I feel good. Gods, when was the last time I felt this good? It must be because my memories are coming back. Or maybe it's just being somewhere that isn't school or Camp Half-blood.

I must've gotten lost in my thoughts because I nearly jump out of my skin when the washer starts beeping. I put Leo's clothes in the dryer with a dryer sheet. I make eye contact with Cal. "Hey, I'm gonna go check on Leo."

He follows me back to the bathroom. I knock on the door. "It's Cordelia. You decent?"

"Yeah," Leo replies. "Actually, I need help." He opens the door. He looks ridiculous in the fluffy white robe that is clearly too big for him. I step into the bathroom and he closes the door behind me. Cal grunts, displeased, but he doesn't try and open the door.

I sit on the toilet and nearly slide right off. "Fucking hell. What do you need help with?"

Leo sighs and fixes me with a look I can't decipher. "You're weird, right?"

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