16. i take a power nap

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The next thing I know, Thalia is shaking me awake. I don't even remember falling asleep, but I guess I did.

"Come on, Dee-Dee, we've got to get moving," she says, getting to her feet. She offers me her hand and I take it without thinking. I stand up and almost take us both down. Oops. Forgot about my legs and how they were crushed by a giant metal dragon.

"You should've gone with Piper to get healed," Jason admonishes as he comes to my side to keep me upright. "You can't walk to Aeolus's palace on broken legs." I want to argue that they're not totally broken until I get the greatest idea I've ever had.

I look up at him and bat my eyelashes, smiling coyly. "Carry me?" He rolls his eyes but crouches down so I can get on his back. I wrap my arms around his neck and secure my still slightly broken legs around his waist. I can't help but giggle as he straightens up. "Oh, man. Is this what it's like to be tall?"

"You're lucky you're light," Jason mumbles. 

"You two are nauseating," Thalia comments. Leo cackles as both Jason and I flush bright pink. We leave the cave to see Phoebe has set up this bitching tent. We pop inside to see Piper, Hedge, and Phoebe just kicking back and drinking hot chocolate by a heater. Piper looks like herself again. She's wearing the same Parka and pants as the Hunters. Jason sets me down on a pile of pillows.

"Oh no way," Leo complains. "We've been sitting in a cave and you get the luxury tent? Somebody give me hypothermia. I want hot chocolate and a parka!"

"Boys," Phoebe grumbles. I raise my hand for a high-five and she wastes no time in smacking her hand against mine.

Thalia shakes her head fondly. "It's alright, Phoebe. They'll need extra coats. And I think we can spare some chocolate." Phoebe's clearly not happy about it, but she dishes out three sets of winter wear, and soon enough, Jason, Leo, and I are bundled in warm and lightweight silvery clothes. Phoebe passes out hot chocolate. It tastes fucking amazing. She puts something in mine to help with my legs, I guess.

"Cheers!" crows Coach Hedge before he crunches down on his plastic thermos cup.

Leo crinkles his nose. "That cannot be good for your intestines."

Thalia pats Piper on the back. "You up for moving?"

Piper nods, grinning. "Thanks to Phoebe, yeah. You guys are really good at this wilderness survival thing. I feel like I could run ten miles." Damn. Okay, maybe Thalia and Jason were right. Maybe I should've been hanging out with Phoebe, Coach, and Piper and getting my legs unbroken. Oh well. Too late now.

"She's tough for a child of Aphrodite," Thalia chuckles. She sends a wink Jason's way. "I like this one." Piper glances at me, expecting me to tear into Thalia like I'd torn into Piper the other day, but I'm too busy staring at my fucked up fingertips.

My step-mom.

Thalia lays a hand on my shoulder. "Hey. You good?" I don't know what to say. Sorry, I just remembered my dad murdered my step-mom? No, now is not the time for a Cordelia Yorkes Pity Party. We have to get a move on if we want to save Piper's dad and Hera. I force a smile.

"Never been better," I lie easily. Thalia doesn't seem to buy it, but she doesn't push. We stand back and watch as Phoebe packs up camp. My legs feel better from whatever she gave me, but I still insist Jason carry me because I'm fucking exhausted. In the past two-ish days, I've experienced more emotions than I have in the three years I've been at camp. Feeling things is tiring.

And that's precisely why, despite the constant jostling as Jason runs to keep up with Thalia, I pass the fuck out.

I open my eyes and there's nothing. Just pitch black nothingness. I try to summon my light, but I can't. I stick my hands out in front of me and feel the solid wood of my coffin lid. My heart starts to race. Shit. I need to get out of here. I can already feel my body suffering from a lack of oxygen. I bang my fists on the lid. I hear a voice, slightly muffled, screaming just outside.

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