10. m is most definitely not for macy's

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Leo wakes me up from nightmares full of dark, small spaces with little oxygen and a sleepy feminine voice whispering for me to give in. We break camp and start down the tunnel. It feels like we're wandering through a maze. I have no idea what I was expecting to be at the end. Maybe a door to Narnia or Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. I certainly don't expect polished steel elevator doors, each engraved with a cursive M, and a directory like for a department store.

"M for Macy's?" Piper guesses. "I think they have one in downtown Chicago."

"Or Monocle Motors still?" Leo offers. "Guys, read the directory. It's messed up."

I scrunch up my face. "Read it out loud. My dyslexia is being a bitch lately." Leo reads it aloud. Kennels? Magical appliances? Weaponry? Potions, Poisons, and Sundries?

"Kennels for what?" Piper questions. "And what kind of department store has its entrance in a sewer?"

Leo scratches his head. "Or sells poisons. Man, what does 'sundries' even mean? Is that like underwear?" I have no idea what sundries are, but I'm pretty sure they are not underwear.

"There's no way this is a legitimate business," I say. "This has to be some kind of monster trap. But which monster? There are so many that start with M."

Jason takes a deep breath. "When in doubt, start at the top."


The doors slide open to reveal the fourth floor. Instantly, we're hit with the overwhelming scent of flowery perfume. Jason steps out first, sword at the ready.

"Guys, you've got to see this," he says.

We walk out. Holy fucking shit. The ceiling is a gorgeous mosaic of stained glass with astrological symbols surrounding a giant sun. The sunlight streaming through the ceiling is a myriad of colors. It kind of reminds me of my glow. The upper floors make a ring of balconies around the central atrium, meaning we can see all the way to the ground floor. The railings are bright gold. There are two sets of glass escalators that run between the levels. The floors are carpeted with multicolored oriental patterns. This place is fucking extra, and that's not even considering the merchandise.

The merchandise, which includes shirts, shoes, beds of nails, armor, and moving fur coats. You know, the usual department store catalog.

"I think we should leave," I warn, but Leo is already peering over the edge of the gold railing.

"Check it out," he calls. Jason and Piper walk over and I hesitantly follow. In the middle of the atrium sits an impressive fountain. The water shoots up like twenty feet into the air, and it changes colors too. The bottom of the fountain glitters with gold coins — drachmas? There's a golden cage on either side of the fountain. One holds a hurricane of storm spirits. The other holds what seems to be a satyr statue.

Piper gasps. "Coach Hedge! We've got to get down there."

Behind us, someone goes, "Can I help you find something?"

We jump back. This woman, decked out in diamonds and an elegant black dress, just appears in front of us. She's thin with long red nails and her beauty is otherworldly. She smiles at us. "I'm so happy to see new customers. How may I help you?"

Jason steps forward ever so slightly. "Um, is this your store?"

She nods enthusiastically. "I found it abandoned, you know. I understand so many stores are, these days. I decided it would make the perfect place. I love collecting tasteful objects, helping people, and offering quality goods at a reasonable price. So this seemed a good...how do you say...first acquisition in this country."

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