38. First times and Last lines

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This chapter is dedicated to aniquajutt for showing so much love on this book 🥰


"I don't know anything. I want dirt on him asap!" Abhi bellows over the phone. The door of the balcony is shut but I can still hear his yelling very clearly.

After everything that went down at the office two days ago, Abhimanyu and dad have been tensed beyond measure. Abhi told me that they are trying to get dirt on Dhanush Singh Yadav so that they can take this to court. I am not entirely on board with their idea but until u have a better alternative I am keeping quiet.

Once the phone call wraps up, he slides the door open and steps back inside. His shoulders remain stiff and a crease appears in between his brows as he types something on his phone at an ungodly speed.

I have an overwhelming urge to soothe the tension off him, so I do just that and climb out of the bed where I was doing my own office work.

I take the phone from him and throw it onto the dressing table. Stepping so close to him that I can feel every ridge of his body I curl my hands around him and stroke the nape of his neck. "You need a break." I whisper next to his mouth.

His eyes light up with mischief and his hands cling to me. "What do you have in mind." He whispers back.

Biting his lip, I claim his mouth. The familiar strokes of his lips and tongue melt me into a puddle. The feel of his arms around me is something I will never bore of, I am sure.

In one smooth motion, he lifts me off the ground and places me on the study table. Our panting fills the air as we make out like two teenagers.

"I want you, babe." He grunts against my mouth. I shake my head and distance him. He looks at me in a haze of lust and confusion.

Climbing down from the table, I kneel down in front of him and toy with the strings of his sweatpants. His eyes flame with desire when he realises what I am planning to do.

"Let me make you feel good.." I whisper looking at him from my eyelashes. He gulps in anticipation and combs a hand through my hair. "Are you sure? I don't want you to do anything just because you feel obligated to." He assures.

I internally sigh in satisfaction. God, this sweet, sweet man. I can't believe how much I love him. He makes me want to write poems about love and sing his name from rooftops. I don't feel obligated to suck him off. I am doing it because I want to.

So instead of answering him with words, I decide to answer him with my actions. In one smooth motion I draw his pants down leaving him in his boxers. He kicks his pants away and runs his hand through my hair in a comforting gesture.

I study the tent in his boxers and place a kiss on it. He sucks in a sharp breath. "I haven't ever done this before...I might be bad at it." I confess.

"I can never not enjoy anything you do to me, Saanvi." Abhimanyu assures. His words force a smile out of me. It was just what I needed to hear to gain confidence.

Abhimanyu may not have been my first in bed, but he has no idea how many firsts he actually occupies. He is my first love, first heartbreak, first handhold (which was the sixth grade) and now my first blowjob. As cheesy as it sounds, I honestly can't wait to share more firsts with him.

A flicker of insecurity crosses my mind when I think about how good Shanaya might have been at this, but if there is one thing that Abhimanyu has made very clear to me is that to him I am always special. I recall his words from a few days ago he said it after I told him exactly what went down between me and my ex boyfriend Dev,
"I choose you, Saanvi Rajput. To me you are always first."

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