Chapter 12- Funeral (Short)

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"What!?" Sakura gasped softly, tears started to form in her eyes. The rest of the Uchiha family were in pure shock. Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno were annouced dead this morning. Mikoto just couldn't believe it, Mebuki was her best friend since high school "No way! Mebuki stronger than that!" she tears started to spill as her husband rubbed her back.

"So is my father!" Sakura said.

Itachi and Sasuke stood there, speechless; Mebuki and Kizashi had been so nice to them. Sakura cried as she cradled Sarada 'Inner? You there?', but there was no response; Poor Sarada will grow up with out them. 

Sasuke's first instinct was to hug is wife, so he did. The family was invited to their funeral. In pity, the person who crashed his car with their's, donated 10,000 yen to Sakura. 


It was Kizashi and Mebuki's funeral now. The Haruno cousins reunited with each other. Technically, Sakura's cousins cam from differents reigons, take Gaara, Temari and Kankurō for example, they're from Suna because of their father. 

"Gaara!" Sakura exclaimed "Ah, Sakura" Gaara said in his deep voice. Sakura hugged him, tightly. Itachi could basically feel the murderous aura around Sasuke! "Temari! Kankurō!" Sakura smiled, sadly "Sorry for your loss, Sak..." Temari started "But, good news; Gaara and Kankurō are kinda moving here and going to school with us?" she said, despite it being her parent's funeral, Sakura grinned.


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