Chapter 20- Karin's Revenge!

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Once Karin found out about the hidden marrige of Sasuke and Sakura, she was enraged. But when she found out that Sakura was missing, Karin plotted a plan to win Sasuke over, but that plan was ruined once the new about Sakura being alive and well...she--well...didn't take it very well.

Karin Uzumaki wanted Sakura Uchiha dead!


Sakura was overjoyed that she had been discharged from the Hospital, I mean, don't get her wrong! She loves that place, she was just sick of just staying in a room all day. "Shannaro! It's so great to be out of the hospital!" she smiled, pumping her fist in the air. Sasuke sighed, thinking that his wife had too much energy. Sakura and Sasuke were now walking to school, hand in hand. 

"Sakura-chan! Teme!" a familiar blonde yelled. Sakura felt deja vu from their first day of school, though this time, Naruto was with Hinata! Sakura almost squealed at the sight of them holding hands, "Naruto, Hinata! You guys got together!?" Sakura gasped, while Sasuke smirked "Took you long enough" Naruto huffed, "Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?" he yelled "Naruto-kun, maybe not so loud." Hinata coaxed. "Finally! Naruto, your were so dense to realize that Hinata has had a crush on you since 6th grade!" Sakura put her left hand on her hip, her right hand was still holding Sasuke's. 

Naruto shook his head in defeat. "Anyways! The holidays are coming soon, what do you guys plan to do?" Sakura inquired, the four of them now walking to the school. "Eat ramen of course!" Naruto grinned, the matriarch had the urge to bonk him on the head "besides that?" she asked, still baring a annoyed face. 

"Maybe I'll just spend it with Hanabi, Neji-n iisan will be with Tenten and my father will be busy so, I'll just spend it with her!" Hinata smiled, Naruto shook his head "No way Hinata! I'll spend the holidays with you, I'm sure my parents won't mind!" he pulled her close, Sakura swooned at the scene. "You guys are so cute-- wait, how did Neji react to you guys?" she pointed to the couple, squinting her eyes, "Neji didn't really take it well at first-" Naruto shrugged "-But in the end, he learned to accept it!" Hinata smiled, making Sakura swoon again. "Aww! You guys even finish each other's sentences!" she giggled, she was a giggling mess right now! She was like a teenage girl giggling with her friends. 

The matriarch walked ahead and fantasized about her new ship. Behind her, Naruto glared at his rival "What?" Sasuke asked, irritatedly, "What are you and Sakura-chan doing for the holidays, teme?" Naruto emphasized the word 'and'

"Tch..." Sasuke turned to face towards him again, leaving Naruto a bit angry, he turned to face Hinata. "Hinata-chan, can you walk with Sakura-chan? Me and teme have to talk about something." he asked, Hinata nodded and ran towards Sakura. 

Naruto cleared his throat and started his 'speech'. 

"Teme! What do you mean just..." the blonde immitated Sasuke's shrug "Okay, tell ya what? I'll give over my two reservations, that I secretly made, to you and Sakura-chan, 'ttebayo!" the Uzumaki remarked, earning a 'hn' from the Uchiha. "Wha- Come on teme! It'll be a great experience!" Naruto elbowed him, grinning. Soon enough, the Uchiha agreed.


Karin saw Sakura in the hall, she looked around to see if the pinky's 'stupid' friends were around. Unfortunately, none of them were there, and there weren't any teachers, supervisors or guards there. Karin took this oppertunity to punch Sakura in the gut, while Ami and Naomi surround her.

"Forehead! You think that you can just go annouce that your married to Sasuke-kun!" the red head bashed, slapping the pinkette's face. "It's probably fake!" Naomi giggled, Ami nodded "Mhm! Poor Sasuke-kun, he has to deal with such news!" she pulled Sakura's hair, causing her to wince. The girls kept on bullying Sakura, ignoring all the scars and bruises they gave her. Sakura's face darkened, she had enough of Karin and her little posse! The Haruno-Uchiha stood up, getting support from the wall behind her, her breath was shaky and her face was ruined. "Shannaro!" she yelled, sucessfully throwing a punch to Karin's face. The sudden action caught the attention of many students. "How dare you!" Karin raged, lunging at her with all her power...however, Karin's strength was no match for Sakura's. After all, she was trained by the now hokage, Lady Tsunade! 

Karin and Sakura kept throwing punches at each other. Naomi and Ami? They have become part of the audience for now. No student dared to call a teacher, for the fight was intense and exciting. Sakura was more damaged than Karin's, considering the Uzumaki had a head start. With the last of her strength for today, Sakura threw a nasty punch directly at Karin's face, before fainting. 

Luckily, Kakashi was passing by, book in hand. But that book would soon end up on the floor, due to Kakashi seeing the current state of Sakura and Karin. He decided that he'd call the ambulance instead of sending them to the clinic, he also called the Uchiha family and the Uzumaki family, telling them the horrid news. 


Fugaku tried to calm his wife down, but he himself was angry at Karin Uzumaki. "Whatarewegoingtodo!Ohyouknowwhat?I'llpresschargesagainstthatUzumaki!IswearonmyownlifethatI'lldestroyher!" Mikoto raged, her fists curled into a ball as she paced around the living room. Itachi started to get scared of his mother, not that he wasn't before. "Mother-Izumi-- why don't you guys sit down and have some tea?" he insisted "SIT DOWN AND HAVE TEA!?" Mikoto and Izumi yelled, "Women are scary..." Itachi mumbled as he sat down beside his father. 


"Shannaro!" Sakura cried, she was stuck in the hospital, AGAIN! 

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