Chapter 3- We can ditch those idiots

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3rd POV

Friday came and Konoha 12 discused what they were all going to do for the weekend,

"We should go to the mall!"

"No, we should have a sleepover!"

Everyone seemed to agree with the idea of a sleepover, so they decide to do that "But whose house?" Tenten asked "Ooh! How about teme's house?" Naruto suggests "No!" both Sasuke and Sakura yelled, startling everyone "H-how about I-Ino's house?" Sakura stuttered 


" house?" Ino asked, everyone nodded in return. It was settled, they were all going to have a sleepover at Ino's house.


Sakura and Sasuke finally came home. Sakura was very excited to take a break and spend time with her family.

Sasuke laid on the bed that he and Sakura shared, Sakura laid beside him "Ahh, I'm so tired!" Sakura groaned. Sasuke hugged her and buried his face into her neck, he always adored the scent of his beloved wife. 

"Anata, do you remember when we first met?" Sakura asked

Sasuke recalled that moment like it was yesterday "Why the sudden question, Sa-ku-ra?" the way he said her name sent chills down her spine "Just asking..." she shrugged "Yes," he showed a smile that was reserved for their family of three only.

----> Flashback

A young Sakura Haruno was laying down on her enourmous bed and was scrolling through the internet,

"Sakura!" her mother, Mebuki Haruno called 

Sakura went down stairs to look for her mother. She found her in the kitchen, cooking dinner "Yes mom?" she responded "I have to tell you something, rather important. We'll discus it over dinner. And oh! Dress nicely, we will be having some guests for dinner" Mebuki said,

"Hai." Sakura went to her room to change.


Sakura Haruno wore a red sleeveless dress, with a black belt and her hair was brushed and short. She was told that she should dress nicely for there would be guests.


The guests have arrived and the first people Sakura saw was a man with dark brown hair with a stoic face and a beautiful lady with raven hair, they both had onyx eyes and they looked absolutely fantastic "Ah, Mebuki! Long time no see!" the raven haired lady smiled "Mikoto!" Mebuki embraced the woman, now identified as: Mikoto. "Mikoto, this is Sakura," Mebuki said "Konnichiwa..." Sakura bowed, Mikoto smiled at her "No need for formalities, Sakura-chan!" she said, but immediately put her hands over her mouth "I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind me calling you that" she apologiezed "It's alright Mikoto-san!" Sakura smiled,

Mikoto turned to Mebuki, "Mebukii! Your daughters so pretty!"

Sakura blushed from embarrassment and looked away, since she was looking side ways, she saw two young men enter her home. One had his hair into a ponytail and looked older than the other, the second had his hair spiked back it looked like a duckbutt; Sakura found this quite funny, she almost laughed, but regained her posture as soon as she remembered that there were guests.

She didn't realize that she was staring until the one she was looking at, looked back. Obsidian black met with emerald green, it was like love at first sight... "-kura? Sakura?" she heard her mother's calls "Ah! Gomen mom!" Sakura apologized "It's alright, come on lets eat dinner"


When the six of them finished eating, Sakura stood up and started to gather the plates, Mikoto saw this and stood up too "Sakura-chan, let me help you!" she insisted "Oh, no its alright. Your are a guest after all, Mikoto-san"  the pinkette smiled, 


"Please I insist."

Mikoto frowned and sat back down "I'm terribly sorry, Mikoto-san. But your a guest, I don't want to trouble you" Sakura showed sincereness for her, which made the raven haired lady smile "I understand Sakura-chan! You know you'd make a great wife someday!" she beamed.

Sakura nodded and continued to gather the plates...


Sasuke waited patiently fo the girl, named Sakura to get his plate ' fits her. Her pink hair and green eyes...WAIT what the heck am I thinking!?' he thought. Sakura soon arrived to his side. Sasuke looked at her, she looked back. They both stayed like that until she looked away, blushing; 

"Sakura, Sasuke, as you both know we are here to discus something" Fugaku said, ignoring Itachi's excited face "What is it father? And why does nii-san look so...excited?" Sasuke asked, clearly confused "Well Sasuke, as you know, Uchiha Corp. and Haruno Industries have great relationship. So we decided that we will collab with each other, not just through business, but also through...marriage" Fugaku explained. At that moment, Sasuke and Sakura were both shocked, Sakura extremely red "Sha-shannaro!".

She then fainted, but Sasuke caught her.

------> End of Flashback

Sakura sighed and smiled, recalling the memorable memory of the first time they laid eyes on each other. Look at her now! She's happily married to him and they have a child together. 

She checked the time "Anata! We're late for the sleepover!" she gasped, though she is still worried about her, Sakura got used to leaving Sarada over the week. "We can ditch those idiots." Sasuke mumbled "But Sasuke-kun! We can't just leave them hanging!" Sakura reasoned, trying to get out of her husband's tight embrace. A knock interrupted them "Sakura-chan, Sasu-chan? Don't you have a sleepover to attend to?" sounded Mikoto voice, followed by baby talk from Sarada "Uh...mama...about that..." Sakura sighed. Mikoto opened the door "Okay? Anyways! Our little Sarada-chan here said her third word!", this got both Sasuke and Sakura's attention "Really? What did she say?" a smile spread on Sakura's face "C'mon Sarada-chan! Say it for mama and papa!" Mikoto smiled too,

"Papa? Mama?" Sarada said in confusion, which earned the 'aw's' of Sakura and Mikoto, while Sasuke smiled "Come on, love!" Sakura encouraged Sarada, she smiled a the voice of her mother "Sha-shannaro!" Sarada was a very smart baby, she already learned how to crawl and now speak words! 

Sakura smiled and hugged her like a proud mother, while her husband...well..."Anata? Are you okay?" Sakura smiled, he had reacted the same way he did when Sarada said her first word: 'Papa'.

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