Chapter 17- Gone

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It has been a while since Ino and Naruto forgave Sasuke and Sakura and things have been going well.

Sasuke woke up to see and empty space beside him, he assumed that Sakura was already awake and downstairs; so he went downstairs, with Sarada in his arms. When he reached his destination, he was greeted by the aroma of bacon, pancakes, eggs and juice. It was a Saturday so he and Sakura didn't have any school that day. Sasuke later found out that Mikoto was thre as well. 

"Mother, where's Sakura?" he asked,

Mikoto noticed him and said 'good morning'before answering his question "I asked to go to the store to buy a few things..come to think of it, she should be back by now..." the Uchiha woman realized "But, she should be back later!" she waved her hand, dismissing the topic. "Anyways, come have breakfast! I'll just wake up your father and bro-" Sasuke went straight for the tomato on the counter, leaving Mikoto irritated "Are you kidding me?" she muttered before going upstairs. Sarada, who was still in Sasuke's arms, reached for the tomato that he was eating; Sasuke saw this and put it on the counter, where she can't really reach it "You can't have this, you don't even have that much teeth yet!" he scolded, but his eyes softened when he saw her eyes, tearful. She wailed, trying to reach for the tomato. Sasuke tried to calm her down, eventually, she did.


Hours went by, yet Sakura hadn't came home yet. The Uchiha kazoku was getting very worried.  


Sakura woke up early in the morning, she was her husband sleeping peacefully beside her. The pink-haired woman got up and went downstairs to cook breakfast, she was greeted by thr figure of Mikoto. "Ohayo, mother!" she greeted and waved "Oh, ohayo Saku-chan. Say, can you go to the store to get  a few things?" she asked "Of course! Do you have a list?" Sakura said, Mikoto nodded and handed her the list. It wasn't long, just a few items on it, as she said. "I'll just go change" Sakura said before going back upstairs.


After bidding her farewell to Mikoto, she went to the store and bought all the things on the list. 


Later, after buying all the things on the list, she started to walk home, but suddenly, she felt some one grab her, making her drop her shopping bags. Everyting went dark for her.


Sakura woke up in a dark place 'Where am I?' she thought 'Ooh, ooh! Maybe Naruto brought us here and he, so as the rest of our friends are throwing a party for us!' Inner exclaimed 'Are you crazy Inner!? What surprise party includes kidnapping?' Outer shot, after that, she heard nothing but a 'geez' from inner. 

"Where am I?" she repeated her thought, but out loud. "Ah, I see that your awake..." a voice said, startling "Who are you!?" she shouted "Calm down hon, I'm just going to sell you to some one." the man said "What...?" Sakura muttered. 

It's been hours since she got kidnapped, she was blindfolded and hungry. She was told to keep quiet or else something will happen to her. She wished that Sasuke would find her sooner. 


Fugaku called the police as Sarada cried, Sasuke and Mikoto tried to calm her down, Itachi pacing around and Izumi tried to calm him down. Sasuke called Naruto and Ino and told them about the situation. They immediately came with the rest of Konoha 12. 

"Sarada-chan, please don't cry..." The female Hyūga tried to calm her down, but it was no use. Sarada kept on crying, wanting her mama. Later, the girls of Konoha 12 (excluding Sakura) tried to help Hinata calm Sarada down. Soon enough, the new reached Tsunade, the now, 5th Hokage of Konohagakure. The Senju woman rushed to the Uchiha household, angrily. "Where the heck's my niece!?" she boomed, surprising everyone. Now, everyone Sakura knew and loved was looking for her. The police agreed to help the Uchihas in finding thier missing matriarch.  


Days had passed, Sakura was very thin, not to mention starving. Her tears soaked her clothing; she sobbed quietly, whispering prayers. There were plenty men and two women, they harrased her, non-stop. Every part of her body ached and with every sob, her heart hurted. She had lost some hope; this was her last ounce of hope, after that, she will give up.

"Please save me, have mercy Kami-sama..." she whispered.


Another few days has passed, now Sakura had lost all hope and she accepted her fate. She laid down on the cold floor, hair going to her face, but she didn't mind. Not at all. Inner hadn't spoken since day one, so she felt lonely; she tried to call her many times, yet no one answers. She kept a picture of her beautiful family in her pocket, her hands were tied so she couldn't. She thought that they had forgotten about her already. 

It was not only her that they enslaved, they had enslaved many other people. But one fortunate day, all the people who harrassed them, left; better yet, one slave was able to escape. He was about to leave, but then he looked at all the other slaves in pity and sadness; so he helped them escape. Oh, but Sakura, the people accidentally left her. Sakura awaited for their return, yet they never came...


3 days had passed and she was still there, and now the bad people returned, they were angry that the slaves all escaped, or so they thought. They found Sakura, who was left alone. 


Sasuke laid on the couch, miserably. He and Sarada was rarely happy nowadays, making Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi and Izumi worried for them; of course, they were miserable them selves but were more concerned for Sasuke and Sarada.

"Sasu-chan, why don't you take Sarada-chan to the park?" Mikoto suggested "Hn." Sasuke hummed "Oh dear..." the woman sighed. Suddenly, Sasuke stumbled upon the news channel.


Sasuke scoffed and went to the next channel. Sarada sat on the ground, staring at nothing, her eyes looked emotionaless. 


The next day, Sasuke and Sarada watched TV together, they flipped through channels, channels after channels. They were both equally miserable "Little brother, let's go to the store." Itachi invited, "Which one?" Sasuke asked "I meant the supermarket" Itachi smiled, not noticing Sasuke widen his eyes, then narrowing them later. "Itachi..." Izumi put a hand o his shoulder "Ah! Sorry Sasuke, Sarada-chan..." he earned a scoff from his little brother and a glance from his niece, leaving him sad. Sasuke's friends were also worried about him; he hadn't been coming to school lately. Even Tsunade was sad, she even took a break from being Hokage for a while, leaving Minato with the job; thought she promised to get back to work. 


One fateful evening, Tsunade had gone back to work and she was now signing papers. "Hokage-sama!" came a knock from the door "Come in" Tsunade said, not looking up from her work. She heard the door open, then close. "Hokage-sama!" The ANBU bowed, before taking out papers. She cleared her throat before speaking "On Sunday, 2:00pm; the ANBU/police found the hideout of the people who harrassed the 19 former slaves." she said, Tsunade was of course concerned about this, but also kinda uninterested, but the ANBU had more to say. "-And at 2:50pm, the ANBU/police have found the Uchiha matriarch; Sakura Uchiha, nee Haruno" Tsunade stood up so fast that the table and chair almost fell down. "Sakura!?" she smiled in relief "Put it on the news!" she smiled wider "Hai, Hokage-sama, but here is her medical record." the ANBU said before leaving. Tsunade sat back down and went throught her niece's medical record. 

Sakura Haruno Uchiha;



Broken bones 

Multiple cuts and bruises

Tsunade frowned at the piece of paper, but she was ecstatic that her niece was alive. She heard that her granchild had been said these past few days, but now she couldn't imagine the huge smile on Sarada's face. The Senju woman had formed a bond with the Uchihas, which the public found odd because Senjus and Uchihas don't usually get along with eachother. 

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